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Fear of being single

"do you love him?"

"With all my heart,"

"Does he love you?"

"Well I hope so." *laughs*

"What if he doesn't"

"What are you saying? Are you saying he's gonna dump me? Cheating on me?"

"We've never said that,"


He takes me a over to his couch, he starts kissing me passionately.

"I... Love you"

"You do?" He questions in between kisses.

I stop kissing him, and try to look in his eyes. I try to read him, but he's unreadable. I twiddle my fingers, "I know we just met, but I think I really love you, and it's not all the drinks you bought me. And so-"

He interrupts me and grabs my hands, and intensely kisses me. He doesn't say anything back, which I guess his kisses are enough.


I start going out more, leaving my heels with my phone numbers in them at strangers' places, getting free drinks from those strangers, for backups.

He's going to leave me, I can't be a wanderess in a one night stand. I just can't.

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