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Fear of heights

"Ready!" He yelled through the sounds of the crashing waves.

"No!" She screamed. "You got me up here, I'm not jumping down!" She tried standing still but the wind kept shoving her.

"Why not?"

"'Cuz you know, I don't want to, um die!?" She yelled hysterically. She tried looking at the rocks beneath her, her knees trembled.

"I'm jumping!" He yelled. He took off his shirt and started to back up, getting ready.

"No, don't! Can't I just get down, you know my fear of heights and free falling!" Her ombré hair smacked her in the face, she pushed it out of the way.

He refused to do what she said and ran, then jumped. She started to scream and she put her hands over her own mouth. She bended down to look, she couldn't move.

Finally, she made the decision to go down the hiking trail, back to where he is.

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