Chapter 16

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We're almost done with Hinata's treatment, when I hear Lee yelling something. That can't be good. I take a deep breath and make my way towards the corridor.

"Hey, little girl! Where do you think you're going?!" One of the elders yells at me.

"To watch the end of the fight. Things are probably bad for Lee." I bluntly state.

"But the rules say th-" I cut him off quickly.

"Rule cannot speak. I seriously couldn't care less about the rules. Stop me or not, I'm going." I say sternly. The medic sighs.

"Fine, but don't you dare interfere with the fight, understood?" He warns as I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, whatever..." I muttered as I hurriedly make my way down the corridor and into the large hall. When I see Lee, I almost scream. His whole body is changing! It looks horrible. His blood vessels look like they will burst any second. He's turning red. And there is some kind of energy surrounding him. Chakra? I take a step back. Gai-sensei, please stop the fight! His muscles are going to fail him! I take a deep breath. Nothing I can do about it at the moment. I look over at Gaara. He looks slightly worn-down.

Suddenly, Lee charges forward at blinding speed. No human being can move that fast! I can't even see him. Suddenly, Gaara flies up into the air. Lee must have either kicked or punched Gaara. This is bad. At this rate, neither Lee, nor Gaara will be able to move for at least a couple of months. I look away. I can't take this. Why was I stupid enough to leave the operation room?! A couple of seconds pass, and I look back.

"Gaara!" I unwillingly screamed his name, as he hits the ground making it vigorously tremble beneath him. Lee lands back onto the ground, almost collapsing, panting heavily. I doubt that even Gaara could survive that fall. The smoke clears. I felt my jaw dropped slightly. Gaara must have softened his landing by turning the gourd into sand. Then I see it. His gesture. Just like that time, on my first mission, he outstretches his arm, and slowly begins closing his hand into a fist. No! No, no, no, no!

"Stop Gaara, please." I whisper. I never want to see that again. The sand snakes it's way along the shattered floor, focused on its prey.

"Lee! GIVE UP!" I yell I'm horrid. Lee turns to me and gives me a little smile. How?! Doesn't he realize that he is about to get the life squeezed out of him by that sand?! The sand envelops itself around his left arm and leg, and Gaara closes his hand into a fist. Gaara says something. I can't hear, though I know exactly what he says. Two words.

"Sand coffin, huh?" I look at poor Lee in despair. The sand suddenly tightens, and I hear a slight crunch under the blood-curdling scream. Lee collapses onto the ground. I doubt that he is even conscious anymore. Gaara doesn't stop there though. He sends more sand at Lee.

"Wait, Gaara, don't do it!" I yell. Too late. The sand is inches away from Lee.
"Now you die!" I hear Gaara's voice. A tear runs down my cheek. All of a sudden, Gai-sensei appears in front of the sand, blocking it. I let out a slight sigh of relief and I looked over at Gaara. He seems astonished by the fact.

"But why?!" he suddenly asks. He grips onto his head. Shukaku is bothering him.

"He failed, why save him?" He growled vehemently while glaring daggers.

"It's because...Because he's my student and also because he is precious to me." Says Gai-sensei smiling back at Lee.

Gaara goes really pale. Damn it! Gai-sensei, you really just had to say that in front of Gaara, didn't you?! Gaara turns the sand back into the gourd-form.

"Medics needed!" I yell down the corridor.

After that round, Gaara left while I chased after him. I think I am acting too clingy...


"What is it?!" he asks, slightly irritated. He's been like this ever since the fight with Lee. So two days already, and I'm still alive.

"Did you really have to go that hard on Lee?"

"Yes." He replies briefly. Stupid question.

"But Gaa-"

"Kasumi, I won. End of story." He cuts me off making it more harder to contain myself. I sighed, taking a sip of tea. I guess it's hard for Lee right now, with all his injuries, but Gaara is suffering as well. He's been distant for the past few days. Like, even more distant than usual. It's probably what Gai-sensei said back at the fight.

"Hey Gaara?" I softly ask.

"What?!" He seemed very irritated and was suffering greatly at this rate.

"You're my best friend, you know that, right?" I say. To him, it probably seems like an out-of-the-blue statement. It's not. I've been thinking a lot about it, and about Gaara. Our relationship. I guess I'm sort of past the stage where I want to tell him that I like him. I doubt that he feels the same way towards me, and telling him would only ruin our friendship. It's best to keep things the way they are, both for mine and for Gaara's sake.

"Whatever." Gaara says coldly. I poke his arm.

"Oh come on, do you not like me?" I ask, giving him a playful smile. He rolls his eyes.


"Come on, Gaara! I've known you for like... Forever! And you actually used to smile when we were kids! Since you have a month to prepare for the fight against that Uchiha kid, why don't we train together? I get time off from hospital work." I interrupted sounding like a toddler barely.

"I'll hurt you if we train together."

"Perhaps...well we should do something. Any thoughts?" I asked and he shrugged not knowing.

"You need to get some rest, and I need to train before the third exam Kasumi." Gaara said phlegmatically folding his arms.

"Awe! I haven't seen you in two years and you're leaving me already. We barely haven't spent anytime together." I whined, giving a pouty look as he rolled his blue orbs.

"Maybe some other time." He then left my apartment. As I sat on my bed pondering on what to do...

I FORGOT LIKE MOST OF THE CHUNIN EXAM! Sorry this is short but hope you liked it!

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