Chapter 15

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After five days of miserably laying in bed, I'm finally back on my feet. I've just finished my work in the hospital, and walking back into my house, when a thought hits me. I turn and begin walking over to the Hokage's office. I wonder when the second round of the chunin exam finishes. I forgot to ask Gaara about it, and I haven't seen him for four days.

Either I've missed the third round already, or it hasn't begun yet. Hopefully, it's the latter. I briskly walk down the corridor and knock on the door, impatiently waiting for the Hokage to say his usual 'enter'.

"Come in" well, not what I was expecting. I push the door open and slip into the room through the crack.

"Kasumi? How can I help you?" He widen his eyes at my presence.

"Lord Hokage, I'm sorry to bother you but I was just wondering when the second round of the chunin exams finish," I say quietly more like a whisper.

"They end of tomorrow. Don't worry, you haven't missed anything." He replies, a genuine smile on his face.

Man, it's like he can read my mind. The Hokage is almost as creepy as the Kazekage...

"Oh, that's good. Thank you." I say, hopefully sounding polite. I quickly exit the room and begin walking back to my house. When I'm needed as a medical ninja in the chunin exams, I want to be, or at least look useful. Also I can't do either if I'm sleepy, right? Might as well get some sleep. It's not like I have anything better to do. I mean yeah, I could go and train, but that seems like a whole load of work. So does cleaning up my house. I suppose I could go do some extra hours at the hospital, but I've been in there all day, and I need a break.

"Well, I'm as lazy as Shikamaru." I smirk a little.

"Guess his bad habits have rubbed off on me." I keep walking, trying to clear my mind. I don't feel like thinking about anything. I just want to sleep. I don't think I've ever felt this tired. I guess I'm a little nervous about the exams, but that shouldn't be a huge factor. I sigh as I walk up to my house. Opening the door easily..

"And as usual, it's open." I mutter to myself in frustration. Why do I always forget?! About everything?! It's like Shika said, my memory is worse than Naruto's. I walk into the house, slamming the door shut behind me. Kicking off my shoes, I suddenly notice a nice smell, coming from the kitchen. I hurriedly walk into the kitchen, curious about the smell. It smells sweet and fresh and warm...
"Cookies!" I run over to a plate of shortbread cookies standing on the counter, still warm out of the oven. Next to them is a note. I pick it up.

"Dear Kasumi,
I knew that your front door would be open, so I helped myself inside. These cookies are for you. You deserve them. Shikamaru told me that you were selected as one of the medical ninja to assist the chunin exam. Well done! The second round ends tomorrow, so I decided to bake you some cookies for good luck. I remember you once saying that shortbread is your favorite.
Hopefully, things will go well for you and for the rest of the Leaf Village genin, and for your friend from the Sand. Mrs. Nara" 

Wow. She is not a 'troublesome woman', as Shika always refers to her. I'd better go and thank her... Later... I pick one of the biscuits up from the plate and put it in my mouth, tasting the flavor. Best. Cookies. Ever.

"Thank you Mrs. Nara!!!!" I yell. I take another one, and another... These are so addictive, I'd live off these for the rest of my life. Sadly though, I run out of them very soon. Sighing, I walk to the bathroom, ready to take a nice long shower after a hard day of work, work and more work...

After the shower, I don't even bother waiting for my hair to dry. I pull on my pajamas and dive into bed. I've been waiting for this moment ever since this morning, when I first dragged myself out of it to go to the hospital. I'm just happy that I'm finally here. I close my eyes and feel my body relaxing. Finally, I get to sleep...

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