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The camp went by fast, Barry's birthday was a bash. It was back to school after summer, apparently three months. Kimberly and I were doing great, Ryan already broke up with Beth. She said she wasn't the one for him. Barry and Dani were doing great. Things from my view looked pretty green. I wondered as I drove back from school. Kimberly didn't ride with me. She said she had someplace to be. I really stopped prying into her business. Whatever she did these days were eating up most of her time. I was going to complain but not yet. She was leaving the country for a week. She was going with her Dad and brothers to a function apparently. She was always attending them, mostly weekends but well, life happens. With my birthday two weeks away, I actually thought she was going to sit this one out. I drove home. Yeah, did I forget to add? My dad was home. Still works most times, during the day but at least he was back in the country. I was glad he was. Hailey was growing so big so fast. She could rubble up words now. She walked too. She could pout when she was upset. Kylie was wherever she was. Shawna changed schools already. Tomorrow was Friday. Practice already started. I loved Fridays. Got to see Kim in that cheerleading uniform. She looked really good in it. Friday came by fast. Practice already started for the cheerleaders. Kim wasn't there. I noticed someone in her spot. She was new. Probably new to the school. She was a redhead. A total turn on. Nice legs and body, Brown almond eyes. She looked towards my direction and our eyes met. She smiled at me and bit her lip

Barry: look who's got attention

He teased. I smiled and ignored him

Me: she could be looking at any of us
Ryan: definitely not me
Me: more like possibly you
Ryan: I'm done with girls for now
Barry: and Beth?
Ryan: She got another boyfriend. Dylan
Me: Dylan year 11?
Ryan: yeah
Barry: you and Beth still keep in touch?
Ryan: we talk
Me: we don't. Ever since she moved out of the estate
Barry: same here. She rarely comes over and she had this fight with Kim
Me: speaking of Kim, where the hell is she?
Barry: no idea

She came in almost immediately with Kat. She and Kat seemed close. Kat joined West Willows after the camp. They were talking

Kimberly's POV

I smiled at Kat

Kat: for starters, I think he's really cute
Me: seriously Kat, he's done with girls

Tracy yelled

Tracy: Kimberly, Kat, You can't just walk in anyhow
Me: we are sorry Tracy but principal Flint called me and Kat had to come with
Tracy: just fall back in line

I walked to my position and saw this girl there

Me: uh, excuse me but this is my spot
Carol: I came here first
Me: that's not how things work here
Carol: then things have to find another way to work. I stay where I want to
Me: Tracy, did you rearrange
Tracy: no why?

She said without looking back at me

Me: someone has my spot apparently

She turned back sharply

Tracy: oh, she's the new girl. Sorry dear, This is Kim's spot. You can't stay in front
Carol: why?
Tracy: because she's in front and I'm in front and Beth is in front

I looked to the end as saw her. She looked away. So much for best friends

Tracy: I heard you're good though so just stay behind Beth since Shawna is gone.

Carol eyed me and turned

Carol: bitch

Did she just call me a bitch? I yanked her hair backward and she fell. Kat held me

Tracy: the next time you call her a bitch, there'll be nobody to hold her back, I promise. Girls fall in place

Practice after that was pretty hectic after that. Since Beth, Tracy and I were the ones doing most of the stunts, We stayed longer. I was really tired after everything. Jayden already left. He had some errands to run for Chloe. Leaving the country on Sunday was something I wanted to skip. After the stunts, I sat on the grass, crosslegged. Flashbacks played to when Beth and I fought

Beth: I can't stay with Ryan anymore. He knew this and he broke up
Me: that makes no sense Beth. You can't just leave him and jump into bed with Dylan
Beth: I can do what I want but that's something you can't relate to. You have your brother hovering over you like an eagle watching it's prey
Me: everything my brother does is to protect me
Beth: how'd the protection go with your mom then?

I stopped cold. She hit where it hurt the most

Me: don't you dare talk about my mom. You know nothing about her
Beth: I know I still have mine

She said as she walked out

Tracy: Kim! Kim!!

I blinked

Me: sorry
Tracy: see you next week Friday?
Me: I'd be out of the country
Tracy: where?
Me: north Korea
Tracy: I'd try to not notice

She said as she grabbed her backpack and turned around to leave

Beth: Kim
Me: get the hell out

I grabbed my bag and walked out to the parking lot. I pulled out my phone to call Barry and I saw him there. With Nicholas and Kat

Kat: she's pushing you too hard?
Me: yeah, I'd adjust
Barry: we were going to grab lunch at McDonald's. You in?
Me: I'm hungry so yeah

I noticed Nick was silent

Me: hey
Nick: hey
Me: are you okay?

I said tossing my bag in the car

Nick: you took off your bracelet

I looked down at my wrist

Me: it's in my bag. It dropped earlier and I didn't want to misplace it
Nick: alright

He said getting into the passengers seat in front. Barry drove. Something was definitely eating him up. I got in the back seat with Kat. Kat was well, you could call her a best friend. She's just been there. She had brown hair like I did but grey eyes. We had almost the same body. We were almost the same height. People called us sisters often

Barry: want to talk about what happened with redhead earlier today?
Me: nothing much. She called me a bitch
Kat: and you were ready to beat her up
Me: damn right I was

I said as I brought out my laptop

Kat: apparently, redhead has a name. Carol
Me: I'm not interested
Kat: oh you would be. she's in year 10 Crystal
Me: our class?
Kat: yep
Me: you've got to be kidding me
Barry: she isn't
Me: Kat, are you still sleeping over?
Kat: for a week. I'd be at your place by next Sunday since you're leaving for the week. my parents are leaving for a while. My mom would be back in a week. She was glad I was spending a week at your place

She was the only child

Me: that's amazing. Think of everything we could do together


I watched as they both made plans for the sleepover. I watched her vibe with Kat in ways she never did with Beth or Dani. Although her and Dani have become closer, Kat was different. Kat was the sister she never had and guess what, Kat was just 8 days older than her. Kim was 18, Kat was 10th of July. They looked so much alike. We arrived at McDonald's. They both went for BBB and vanilla ice cream while I went for chicken and chips and Barry went for burrito and chicken. We got a table and Barr and I discussed soccer. We were supposed to have Movie night next Saturday but I guess that was postponed wasn't it? My birthday was on Friday, we could still have movie night the following Saturday. After lunch, We dropped Kat off, Then they dropped me off. I don't know but I was just really moody.

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