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Tristan's POV

After desert, Tasha went to the pool side to talk to Jay. Likelihood that they were getting back together. I was honestly happy for them but I thought things were going to work out with Kim and I now that she was single. Was I single? No I wasn't, but I could leave the girl I was with now just for Kim. I was glad I didn't. Kim didn't tell me that she and Nicholas had gotten back together. I was shocked when Jay called him her boyfriend. They were passing stares at each other all through dinner. It was kind of annoying though but it was fine. I went to her room  and knocked. She answered. Nick wasn't there with her. Finally, some privacy

Me: I was thinking if we could talk
Kim: yeah sure

She said as she moved away from the entrance and I walked into her room.

Me: Neat
Kim: Thanks
Me: I didn't know you got back with Kim
Kim : we actually didn't get back together yet
Me: yet? you're planning on getting back with him
Kim: I didn't say I was
Me: he's just going to hurt you continuously. You can't find happiness where you lost it
Kim: I wasn't looking for happiness
Me: because it's right here in front of you. I am the one for you. You don't realize it just yet
Kim: you're not the one for me Tristan. I am not interested in you
Me: then who is? Nicholas?
Kim: that's none of your business Tristan

There was a knock on the door. She rolled her eyes and went to get the door. Nick came in

Nick: Oh, sorry. Am I interrupting?
Me: yes!
Kim: you're not. Tristan was just leaving

I scoffed. I couldn't believe that she actually did that. I nodded. I walked out of the room


Me: heated argument with your boyfriend
Kim: he's not my boyfriend
Me: then why is he in your room?
Kim: don't annoy me
Me: I'm not trying to annoy you. I'm worried about you Kim. I love you and you're not making this easy for me
Kim: you left Nick, that's not my fault

She said as she tried to walk out of me. I pulled her back and kissed her. She pulled away the first time. I didn't care. I kissed her again. She didn't pull back this time. Damn! I missed her. I didn't realize how much until now. She was so soft. Her body was amazing. I stopped and she smiled

Me: I want my girlfriend back. I'm sorry. I had plans of asking you out properly but things didn't work out that way because this came up but Will you be my girlfriend again? I promise I'd try not to mess up but I don't think I can go on like this anymore. I can't go on without you. I can't go on wondering if you're with someone else or not. It kills me from inside

She looked at me and hugged me. I kissed her again

Me: so what do you say?
Kim: hell yeah!


Exams had finished. Kim was distant as hell. She was barely replying my texts or speaking to me. I didn't know what else to do. Why would she say yes to me and then start to break me? Was that why she said yes in the first place? I decided to talk to Kat after school. Kim left before the class was over again. I met Kat with Ry

Me: hey
Ryan: you don't look so happy
Me: I don't know. Kim, she's been distant for days now
Kat: so?
Me: so? so what? it is annoying and it's pissing me off
Kat: you selfish piece of...
Ryan: heyyyy! stop that babe

She rolled her eyes

Ryan: maybe you should just talk to her. She has her reasons for being this way
Me: I have and I got no reply
Ryan: can't believe you seriously forgot
Me: forgot what
Ryan: this Friday is her mom's first year death anniversary

That took me aback

Me: it's a year already?

I couldn't believe it. Time flies. It was a Wednesday. I sighed. I was eh a selfish piece of shit

Ryan: you seriously didn't know?

I shook my head

Ryan: we were thinking of going there in Friday and staying for the whole day. Kat, Dani and myself. You could come too
Me: Friday? You can't miss practice. You would get kicked off the team
Ryan: I think Kim is worth it. She's been through so much this past one year and....
Me: I have a scholarship on the way from Bradley's. If I get kicked of the team, that could terminate everything
Kat: see, I told you. Selfish
Me: it's not about being selfish. I can spend today as tomorrow with her
Ryan: bit Friday is the most important of them all. I have to say, I am really disappointed in you. C'mon Kat, let's go

He said as he grabbed her hand and they walked out

Kimberly's POV

Friday came quick. I was in my room when I heard the door bell. I knew somebody was going to answer the door. There was a knock on my door some minutes later

Me: Yeah
Barr: Hey, how are you?
Me: take a guess
Barr: you look like you didn't sleep all night. Still pretty though
Me: thanks
Barr: you're welcome. They are here
Me: They?
Barr: Kat, Ry and Dani
Me: Nick?
Barr: I'm sorry. He's not with them

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