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Barry's POV

I goy home and saw her trying to look a for perfect dress and get her hair right

Me: you're really going out with him?
Kim: it's just lunch Barr
Me: after that, then what?
Kim: then nothing

Her phone beeped. She picked it up

Kim: and he cancelled

She sighed and she dropped on her bed, obviously disappointed.

Me: I can take you out for lunch
Kim: you've not been out since dad's...
Me: I guess it's time to. I'd grab a jacket and meet you downstairs
Kim: okayy

I did and I met her in the sitting room. I grabbed her hand and we went to the nearest expensive restaurant we could find. She carried a gun about now and well she had the right to. We talked about everything. I was glad she still opened up to me. She asked about Dani and I. We were rocky. I told her

Kim: does it hurt?
Me: everytime but I guess somethings can't last forever
Kim: I guess so too

I looked at her. It was obvious that canceling on her had hurt her. I wondered if Nick actually ditched because of me. I sighed. I wasn't going to tell her that. I'd probably talk to him or let things play out.

Kim: Zayn kissed me at school
Me: really? when
Kim: it was weeks ago
Me: wow. I know he had a thing for you. I just didn't know that you guys were together now
Kim: we are not kind of together. I mean we are just friends
Me: really?
Kim: really
Me: you want to give him a chance?
Kim: maybe

She said looking ahead. Nick came into the restaurant with a girl, ordered and left. He probably didn't see us

Kim: so much for being busy

I sighed. That must hurt but I think it was for the best. She looked at me

Me: You okay?
Kim: Yeah. It's not like we are together or something
Me: I think you should give Zayn a chance though

Her phone rang. I picked it up to look at the caller's ID. Zayn

Me: looks like the universe agrees with me

She smiled at me and picked up the phone. She said she was busy and would call him back before she called it a day. I shook my head and laughed. We had lunch and headed home. She got home and headed to her room

Kimberly's POV

I got in and called Zayn. He picked up after the first ring

Me: Hey
Zayn: it took you all day to call back?
Me: I was out. Just got back in
Zayn: my bad. How was your day?

The conversation went on but I knew deep down that I couldn't date Zayn. He was too sweet to be somebody's second option. If I ever move on from Nicholas and he's still willing to be with me, then I'd say yes but now, it'll be very unfair and inhumane of me. I ended the call and headed to bed. The weekend went by so fast and Monday was here again. I went for classes and met Nicholas there. Our eyes met and I looked away. He walked up to my seat

Nick: Hey, I'm sorry I had to cancel
Me: yeah. You were busy but you ended up showing up at the same restaurant with another girl. If you had plans with someone else, you could have just said so
Nick: It was Alexia
Me: Zayn's ex?
Nick: actually, they never broke up. Well, Zayn did. Said he was into someone else and left her heartbroken.
Me: that's not my problem
Nick: it should be. You're the one kissing him in the hallway
Me: and that is none of your business
Nick: it is!
Me: how is it?


I looked at her. She was unbelievable. How wasn't it my business?

Me: Nevermind and I didn't cancel plans because of I wanted to hang out with Alexia. Alexia was unplanned and I met her at the restaurant
Kim: I actually don't think I want to know

She said standing up from her seat. She walked out. I sighed. I grabbed my bag. School was ruined already. I got to my car and drove out of my car. I drove home and unlocked the door. I stayed in all through. Tuesday came by fast and I was headed to school. I knew if I kept skipping classes, my grades would drop. My dad already talked about relocating and I was buying to the idea. Tuesday was just a normal day. Ry had tried to talk to me but I wasn't just in that mood. Things between him and Kat looked great and I hoped they would be happy. I knew Ryan wouldn't mess it up. He wasn't like me. I smiled as I watched them at lunchtime. It was nice to watch them. I sighed as I looked at them. Kim passed by with Barry. Barry stopped at my table and told her he'd catch up with her once she ordered. He sat in my table

Me: Now what do you want?
Barry: Look, you're not fine, she's not fine and you obviously still love each other so just stop punishing yourself and tell her what exactly it is you want
Me: Did Dani put you up to this?
Barry: Maybe but I'm doing this for You and most importantly for Kim
Me: You told me to stay the hell away from her on Friday
Barry: Which I still mean but her happiness comes first and currently, you're her happiness
Me: Think you'll be available for movie night?
Barry: I'd be and she'd be too
Me: okay. Thanks

She walked up to him and he stood up and went with her

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