3: Not a Dream

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Leonard King wakes up finding himself on a couch in casual clothing. He looks around in confusion as it's his old home in Queens New York. He walks around till he's in a room seeing a crib with a little girl in it.

"Nora." Leonard says softly gently tickling her stomach earning delightful coos as he smiles.

Leonard hears light footsteps behind him. He turns seeing a very young boy approach the crib and stands up on a stool.

Leonard watches the young boy look at Nora as his face lacks any defining features. No eyes, mouth, nose, nothing.

"Brandon?" Leonard asks but the boy ignores him. "Why can't I see your face?" He questions emotionally when he sees bullet and knife wounds appear all over Brandon.

The face remains with no features as Leonard snaps awake sitting up feeling sharp throughout his whole body.

"Jesus Leo! Calm down I'm here." Victor says touching Leonard's bandaged shoulder but it's not the only area that's bandaged.

Leonard looks down finding his stomach and upper thigh bandaged up heavily.

"Vic? I'm not dead?" Leonard asks.

"You were damn close to dead skipper, you lost a lot of fuckin blood on the way over here." Vic states.

"And where is here?" Leonard asks laying back.

Vic replies saying Lima Peru as Leonard sighs in relief but asks about Wheeler.

"He's back in the states safe and sound. Speaking of which." Vic says with Maria entering the room and immediately hugging Leonard affectionately but gently so she doesn't hurt him.

Leonard returns it glad to see his cousin.

"You okay?" Maria asks.

"I feel like I'm in hell week again but I'll live." Leonard replies.

Maria smiles in relief when another person enters the room. Leonard's blue eyes widen seeing Meghan Castellano or Valkyrie if he's going by codenames.

"That's good to hear, we almost lost you." Meghan says with her arms crossed. "It's good to see you again Leo."

"Likewise Meg." Leonard kindly replies. "I didn't realize you joined rainbow."

"Me and Craig have only been there for about a month." Meghan replies.

"Shit I forgot to mention, you've been out for three days man." Victor says.

This comes as a surprise to Leo but he can't really say anything since what could he say?

"Huh well shit." Leonard says sitting slowly so he doesn't hurt himself. "But what was the supposed White Masks?"

Maria and Meghan share a glance with Meghan nodding.

"Well they're back with a new offshoot of them, the Faceless are apparently allies to them." Maria explains.

"Hmm, still doesn't explain how they attacked the American embassy here." Leonard points out.

Meghan smiles slightly at the thoughtful side of Leo as she always respected his intelligence.

"Would it be possible for me to join rainbow?" Leonard asks surprising everyone in the room.

"Skipper where's this coming from?" Victor says.

Leonard sighs with his family coming to mind.

"I know some friends who lost their family members during the Bartlett attack, I don't want my family going through that, especially with the White Masks and this new group appearing." Leonard explains.

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