4: Welcome To Rainbow

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Hereford Base
July 2nd 2016
11:14 AM

Leonard and his cousin Maria are seated in a chopper as Leonard is looking at the view while he's fiddling with a pendent.

"You still have that old thing on you?" Maria asks leaning forward while cupping her own cheeks.

"That and dad's journal, just found that thing laying around the other day... Never actually went through it." Leonard states pulling out journal.

Maria hums in acknowledgement and asks how he's feeling.

"I'm good, not a hundred percent by any means but I can work." Leonard replies as the chopper begins lowering itself onto a helipad.

The two exit with their heads low till they're a safe distance from the chopper.

"King and Fields, I'm glad to finally meet you both, I'm Aurelia Arnot but call me six." She says shaking with the both of them.

"Glad to be here ma'am." Leo states with kindness.

Six motions them to follow her which they do. Leo favors his stomach a bit which Maria notices but she keeps it to herself for now.

"You'll have your own rooms but first let's get you familiar with the base." Six states with Leo and Maria agreeing to this.

Six guides the two to R&D where they one of the operators fiddling with some sort of breaching charge.

"Ah! Shit!" He says touching his burned hands wrapped in some sort of tape. "Oh hey six, these the fng's Liza mentioned?"

Six nods while turning to Leo and Maria introducing the man Jordan "Thermite" Trace, representing the FBI.

"Leonard King codename Leo, SEAL Team Six silver squadron... This here's Maria Fields of the CIA SAD codename... What was it again?" Leo directs to his cousin who tilts her head in slight disappointment.

"Hellcat... And no it's not because I like the muscle car." Maria states offering her hand which Jordan shakes firmly.

"Good to meet you two, curious to see what you two are capable of." Jordan expresses.

"I can tell you're the guy who makes shit go boom." Leo jokes earning a chuckle from Jordan with Six motioning Leo and Maria to follow her.

Six guides the two to the armory finding some of the operators putting their gear away.

"Oi Six, these the new muppets? As if we don't have enough Americans." A black haired Brit jests while one of the German operators shakes his head with a chuckle escaping him.

Leo rolls his eyes hearing this with Six introducing the two to the five operators known as James "Smoke" Porter, Dominic "Bandit" Brunsmeier, Jack "Pulse" Estrada, Miles "Castle" Campbell, and Tina Lin "Frost" Tsang.

"Leonard King? What were you named after the Lion King?" Smoke jokes.

"No I was born before the movie came out, you union jackass." Leo calmly snaps back catching everyone by surprise minus Maria as she's seen Leo's backbone before.

Some of the ops besides smoke and Frost are snickering. Before Smoke could respond, Six tells Leo and Maria to load their gears into the lockers that aren't being used.

"Probably not a good idea to pick a fight with some of the ops right away." Maria states quietly and opens up one of lockers beginning to set her gear inside.

Leo glances down at her understanding. He's never been the best when it comes dealing with sarcasm, he and Brandon often butted heads over it and he doesn't have the best impression of smoke at the moment.

"You don't want us to show you what we can do?" Leo questions.

"We'll do it at a later date, for now get yourself comfortable... Come on I'll lead you to your rooms." Six says with Maria and Leo following her out of the armory.

Leonard and Maria eventually are led to their separate rooms.

"I'll let you two get settled." Six says taking her leave.

Leo enters his assigned room as it's nice enough if a bit generic till he sits on the bed feeling how goddamn stiff it is.

"Ugh... Never thought I'd miss the futon." Leonard mutters to himself.

"You kept the futon?" Meghan questions while leaning against the doorframe with Leo looking her way. "I'm not judging but why'd you keep it?"

Leonard sets his duffle on the bed as he cracks his back.

"Out of necessity really, I moved into a small beach house in Virginia, and the futon was the only bed I could fit." Leo replies as Meghan hums acknowledging his statement.

"You adjusting okay?" Meghan questions curiously earning an approving nod. "Care to elaborate?"

Leonard sits himself in a chair not really wanting to but he knows Meghan well enough that she'll listen.

"The ops I've met so far seem like good people, minus that smoke fella." Leonard admits.

"Remind you of Brandon?" Meghan asks curiously.

"I'd say he's worse, it's probably cause of the accent." Leonard states not sugarcoating his feelings.

Meghan chuckles somewhat.

"James can be a bit an ass sometimes but he means no ill will, how's your family these days?" Meghan asks taking a seat on the stiff bed feeling sorry for Leo.

"They're well enough, Nora's made a decent career in the air force and mom's her usual self most days." Leonard replies with Meghan knowing about Leo's mother being in deep grief over Brandon. "But how bout you?"

Meghan shifts somewhat uncomfortably surprising Leo as he considers the Castellano family relatively stable despite his disagreements with the patriarch of the family, being a hardass marine in all which he is all too familiar with.

"They're kinda fine I suppose, my mom actually misses you, she thought you and I were a good fit... My dad though? There's definitely no love loss between you and him."

Leonard chuckles lightly with his somewhat muscular arms crossed.

"All cause I'm critical of his precious marines right?" Leonard rhetorically asks though he can tell Meghan is not that comfortable with this topic. "Let's just change the subject, who's the other SEAL they brought in?"

"You remember Craig right, my instructor?" Meghan asks earning a nod remembering her instructor. "You holding up okay?"

"Well I'm walking perfectly fine, minus a few aches here and there." Leo replies.

Meghan nods acknowledging this as there's nearly a minute a silence between them.

"Uh anyway, it's good to see you're doing well Leo." Meghan sincerely states.

"Likewise Meg." Leonard replies with the same sincerity with Meghan telling him that she's gotta go but they'll talk later.

Leonard nods understanding as he watches Meghan walking away, particularly her swaying hips. Leonard pinches the bridge of his nose realizing what he was doing.

Maria meanwhile is finishing unpacking her bags and placing her clothes into the dresser. During this, she feels her phone vibrate in her back pocket.

Maria pulls said phone seeing a text message from her ex husband. She sighs irritably putting her phone away as she's not in the mood to talk with her ex.

Maria opens up a file on the faceless seeing the info the CIA has on them, mainly detailing their military training and possible connection to the White masks.

"Hmmm, Could be a ploy... Take our attention away from the White masks while they rebuild." Maria thinks to herself while fiddling with her hair but sighs in irritation. "Doesn't matter I suppose, I'll hear from my contacts soon enough."

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