6: Time With Rainbow

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Hereford Base
July 8th 2016
6:43 PM

It is past dinner as Maria is busy in her room with her trying to figure the Faceless and their connections to the White Masks. She sighs stretching out missing her younger days as she didn't have to deal with constant back problems.

On her laptop, she unintentionally comes across a file containing photos of her and man looking happy together. Maria immediately closes the laptop while cursing in Arabic when there's a knock on the door.

"Come in." Maria says relaxing as she sees Jordan enter with two plates of food as she raises her brow at this.

"Hey Maria, didn't see you at dinner so I decided to bring you a plate." Jordan says setting a plate on a desk.

"Oh... Thank you." Maria says surprised.

Jordan sits down in a chair asking her what she's up to.

"Just looking into the faceless and their connection to the White Masks." Maria says again stretching as she's struggling to crack her back. "ugh goddamn it, I need to get myself a damn chiropractor." She complains taking the plate and begins eating.

The two just enjoy their dinner in peace for a bit.

"So what's CIA life like?" Jordan asks curiously as he hasn't met many CIA agents.

"A pain at times, occasionally hilarious, and somewhat worthwhile I'd say." Maria replies.

Jordan's interest in piqued hearing this.

"What made it hilarious?" Jordan asks curiously.

Maria chuckles somewhat trying to think of one that stands out to her.

"Well a few years ago I was assigned to Malta to uncover a human trafficking operation. It wasn't anything too groundbreaking butttt... I was busy looking into a potential target when my neighbor begins yelling like a mad man, I come in and see him holding his uh well manhood... Turns out he bought what he thought were penis enlargement pills when in reality they were anything but that."

Jordan shudders at the thought making Maria chuckle in amusement.

"Can't say my career in the FBI has led to see any of that." Jordan points out.

"Well FBI is more boring than the CIA." Maria playfully teases.

"Heh I doubt that, but you fitting in alright?" Jordan asks.

Maria shrugs which confuses Jordan and gets him to ask her to clarify.

"I mean no one's bothering me and I got a familiar face in my cousin to turn to so I'm fine... If I start having problems? Leo and you will be the firsts to know." Maria replies finishing her plate. "Thank you for bringing me a plate." She thanks but leaves her room to return the plate.

Meanwhile Leo is lightly sparring with Craig with Jiu-Jitsu as he throws Craig over his shoulder applying a hold.

"Goddamn Leo, ease up on the jiujitsu, what are you a friggin black belt?" Craig questions with Leonard helping him up.

"Heh yeah." Leonard replies as they overhear Smoke otherwise known as James call out to him.

"Fancy jiujitsu Yankee but can ya box?" James asks as a challenge as Leonard sighs not really in the mood to deal with James.

"I do but I don't feel like it." Leonard bluntly states hoping to leave it at that.

James however scoffs while shaking his head seeing Leonard walking away.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of getting knocked out Yankee." James says with Leonard stopping in place and turning to James.

"I'm not, I'm just not that interested." Leonard says shaking his head and leaves with Craig.

"Don't mind him, James is an annoyance but nothing more." Craig says as Leonard feels his phone vibrate.

Leonard pulls it out seeing that it's his sister Nora as Craig leaves to give him some privacy as Leo leans against the wall answering his phone.

"Finally! I've been trying to get hold of you for weeks!" Nora exclaims as Leonard's eyes widen from the sudden yelling.

"Sorry! I've been busy with being reassigned and adjusting." Leonard replies.

"Ohhh so where are you now?" Nora asks curiously but Leonard replies that it's classified. "Oh come on, you can't give me a hint?"

Leonard shakes his head when he hears quite a bit of ruckus on the other end of the line.

"What the hell is going on over there? Air Force getting bored?" Leonard asks earning a nervous chuckle from Nora.

"Uh well you remember Wright?" Nora asks looking back at the chaos behind her.

"The weeb? Yeah." Leonard replies bluntly.

"Um well, his stash of you know what was found and uh... Let's just say they're giving him the good ol haze." Nora says with a loud smack in the background followed by yelling.

Leonard questions this as even he heard that.

"Uh when I said hazing? I meant spanking." Nora replies as Leonard shakes his head and asks how Mom is. "Oh she's good, I'm glad we convinced her to move closer to the base I work at. She's been a big help to a lot of the military wives off base." Nora says.

"That's good, again sorry for not calling, just a lot of chaos going on here." Leonard says apologetically.

Nora smiles telling him not to sweat it as she and mom are more than understanding of what he goes through.

"But uh... Any luck in your love life?" Nora asks earning a quick no from Leonard. "Ugh that's unfortunate, if only you and Meghan were still together, you two were really good for each other." Nora sighs out.

Leonard scratches the back of his head hearing this.

"Yeah... Anyone giving you trouble?" Leonard asks earning a sigh from Nora.

"No Leo, you can relax... Honestly the fellas in the Air Force are more concerned about hiding their anime than getting laid... But uh... Still no luck on finding Brandon, everyone I've asked keeps treating him like a ghost." Nora says with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah... Same here, we'll find him one way or another." Leonard says not completely sold on this possibly.

The two siblings are silent which is rather unnerving.

"Anyway... I gotta go but it was nice talking with you Leo, love you."

"Love you too sis." Leonard says as the call ends with him scrolling a couple of old pictures. Some with him, Brandon, and Nora in their uniforms which he remembers brought great joy to his mother. He then scrolls to the next picture finding a photo of him and Meghan happily in bed together.

Leonard's eyes soften remembering those moments with Meghan, all the mornings he woke and was met with the affection. He sighs missing those days and closes his eyes when he hears Meghan call out to him.

"Oh uh hey Meg." Leonard greets pocketing his phone.

"Hey Leo, everything good?" Meghan asks.

"Yeah I'm good just got off the phone with Nora, she's doing well." Leonard replies which Meghan is happy to hear about. "Uh... How are you?"

Meghan raises her brow seeing him being timid asking him if he's really okay.

"Of course." Leonard says but Meghan's look tells him that she doesn't believe him. "Just... Thinking of Brandon and... The good days of our relationship." He says quietly.

Meghan looks down figuring that was the case.

"Do you... Wanna talk about it?" Meghan asks cautiously since this is a sensitive topic for both of them.

Leonard looks at Meghan and crosses his arms.

"Not particularly... I should probably get going." Leonard says about to walk past her.

Meghan turns to Leo wanting to reach out to him but she hesitates worrying she might make the situation worse and that's the last thing she wants. She simply sighs to herself and pinches her nose mentally cursing herself out.

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