Posiden de Matrix

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Once Upon A Time there was a village in the middle of an Enchanted Forest. This village was called Kiraten. But you already know this story. Our new story follows the only survivor of Kiraten out of the village and into a coven.

My name is Posiden de Matrix and I am a Hunter Witch. The last remaining link to the village of Kiraten. And a Wolf Rank Hunter Witch. Should've mentioned that earlier but I digress. I have been pursuing the demon that caused me to destroy my village for 500 years now. I've forgotten how old I am but I have been able to pick up what people have been calling 'slang' through osmosis. But really I still don't get it. Anyways I have been searching for centuries but I know i'm close. I have to be. Right? I've been doubting myself recently. But I have to keep going.

I was tracking the demon on the city streets when I saw a girl with a witch hat and stars decorating her dress. She seemed to watching the sky. I temporarily abandoned my tracking and walked over to the girl.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked. "Stargazing," The girl said. I found that strange because it was daytime. "Are you stargazing the sun? If you are I can recommend a good place where you don't look like a weirdo," I said hoping I didn't sound rude. I'm usually very rude to mortals and my prey but to fellow witches I can't bring myself to be rude. For obvious reasons. The girl looked at me and said "Thank you but I already know that place Posiden,". I was surprised when she said my name. Even though I didn't know her. "Did you just read my mind?" I asked. The girl chuckled. "No. I predicted this meeting last night. The stars were in the right positions for the prediction to be 100% accurate," The girl said. I then noticed she had a slight British accent. "You're an Oracle? But nobody's used Oracle Magic in like 900 years ever since it was deemed forbidden," I said. The girl chuckled. "My name is Athena Starlily. I'm part of a coven called NeverWrath. We use the Forbidden Five Fields. And you're kind of a hypocrite because you're a Hunter Witch," The girl said. "True. And NeverWrath. I've never heard of that coven before," I said. "Exactly. We use forbidden magic. If we were a public thing then we would be shut down and arrested," Athena said. "Makes sense. So if you predicted this meeting does that mean you've predicted other times we've interacted?" I said. Athena smirked. "I think I've just had a vision about that. Welcome to NeverWrath Posiden de Matrix," Athena said putting her hand out. I shook her hand.

Ever since I joined NeverWrath and became leader of the Hunting Division in a matter of days I've been nothing but happy. Me, Athena, and the leader of the Abyssal Necromancy Division have made a strong connection. I've had that demon in the back of my mind for a year now but it's only a matter of time I find him and end him. But that can wait. Right now i'm focusing on my coven. And my new......friends? Yeah. My friends.

2 months and three days later

I woke up in a room of white. My clothes had been replaced by some sort of blue gown. My arms was connected to some weird screen because of some tubes. "You're finally awake again. I was starting to think you were going to flatline," A man in a white coat said. "Who are you? Where am I?" I asked. "I'm your doctor. Ever since you came here a few days ago I've been worried," The man said sitting in a chair next to the bed I was laying in. "But where is here?" I asked. "The hospital. I explained that the last time you woke up. Which was yesterday if i'm remembering correctly," The doctor said. "I don't remember that," I said. The doctor scratched his chin and mumbled something. I tried using my Wolf Hearing to hear what he was saying. I felt for my Mooncrystal Necklace but couldn't find it. I went into a panic trying to find it. "What's wrong?" The doctor asked. "Where's my necklace?" I asked. "Over with your clothes there," The doctor said pointing to my clothes. I sighed in relief. I put my hand out and my necklace came to my hand. I put it on and got my Magical Wolf Enhancements back. "Well then. Superpowered individual. Got it," The doctor said. "Actually i'm a witch," I said getting out of the bed. I levitated my clothes so the back was facing me I phased out of the gown as I phased into my clothes. I gave out a sigh with a smile as I stretched. "Sir I highly suggest getting back in bed. You must be having delusions. There's no such thing as witches," The doctor said. "Okay first of all my name in Posiden de Matrix and you better remember that. Second of all if witches weren't real then I wouldn't be standing here right now," I said. I walked to the door. The doctor kept trying to convince me to get back in bed with his modern day medical bullshit. 

I used my magic to open the door and walked out surprising the doctors and nurses in the hallway. I started smelling my way to the exit and got out of that prison of white and medical supplies. I walked down the street and was ready to find out where everyone else was. I pulled out my Hunter's Log Crystal from my pocket. "Hunter's Log: I have two objectives as of now. Objective 1: Find my friends and get back to NeverWrath. Objective 2: Find and kill the demon that destroyed my village," I spoke into the crystal before putting it back in my pocket. I sighed as I continued to walk. "Where are you guys?" I asked nobody in particular under my breath.

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