Chapter 2

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Chloe gasped, her mouth falling open in a breathless pant as her lover’s tongue ran down her neck.

She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes falling shut as he licked a line across her throat. He sucked, leaving a mark that would blossom into a bruise come morning.

“No marks,” she panted in annoyance, swatting at his shoulder in a half-hearted attempt at reprimand. He merely hummed, rumbling a tiny growl across her flushed skin. A shudder raced down her spine. She loved the little noises he made, loved it when he let go for her.

Her eyes rolled back as his fingers found the sensitive bundle of nerves between her thighs. He spread her wetness with two of them before he pushed them inside.

“Fuck,” she hissed, her breath catching in her throat.

She felt the curve of his smirk against her neck.

“Language,” he crooned.   

Her eyes rolled for a different reason and she tugged him closer still.

He watched her face as he fucked her with his fingers, his eyes dark and intense. His other hand made its way up her chest, the steel of his ring sliding across her flushed skin. His fingers wrapped loosely around her throat. His thumb ran over her bottom lip, swollen from his kisses and his cock from where he had her on his knees ten minutes before.

“Say my name,” he husked, the grit of his stubble sliding over her throat.

She clenched her jaw in stubborn refusal until it ached.

It only seemed to spur him on, made him more determined to rip it out of her, and his arrogance infuriated her. It was obvious how much she wanted him—obvious from the way she tugged at his stupidly perfect hair, bit his lips until they were swollen and pink, obvious from the impossibly wet, lewd sounds his fingers made as they fucked her.

“Come on, darling,” he demanded, curling his fingers inside her, rubbing at the spot he knew drove her mad, “say it.”

His thumb rubbed at her clit in tight, insistent circles. The way they were practically still fully clothed made her cheeks heat. Her dress was bunched around her waist, her panties merely shoved to the side, and his shirt sleeve was rolled up to his elbow. It rustled in a wave of expensive fabric as his forearm moved.

Her jaw ticked again, her toes curling into the carpet. His mouth dragged from her neck to her lips and their teeth clashed with the force of his kiss. Desire snapped at her heels and crawled up her body — starting at her on-fire cunt until she could feel it strangling her throat. She wondered if he could taste himself, taste his own orgasm, lick it straight from her mouth. He didn’t seem to care. Her arousal was dripping from her, down the back of his hand and to his wrist, and with one more flick of her clit, the coil inside her snapped.

She didn’t just say his name — she sobbed it.


He slapped his other hand over her mouth.

“That’s it,” he cooed as her orgasm shot a violent shudder up her spine, “quiet now. Wouldn’t want your urchin to hear, would we? Hear you begging for my cock.”

She whimpered, a small and desperate and muffled sound. She didn’t want him to talk about Trixie. This… thing between them, it had nothing to do with her. It wasn’t a relationship. It wasn’t anything really, anything other than sex and secrecy and a connection which burned under her skin without her permission.

Her thighs trembled around his wrist as he dragged his fingers out of her, the aftershocks still rolling through her body.

She tried to speak, but it was muted by his palm.

A Deckerstar AU Where stories live. Discover now