Chapter 7

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Sorry it's been so long, a bit of writer's block on this one, I hope you do enjoy though!!

Chloe stared at her phone, the screen lit up bright with a text from L.M. 

Congratulations, Detective. I’m glad you got what you wanted. It’s nothing less than you deserve.

The words were pleasant enough and she was sure he meant them… but they were empty. Unfeeling. She bit her thumbnail and tried to suppress that uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. The one that had been festering since she looked up in the courthouse and saw that he was gone.

She had told him she wasn’t letting him pull away from her. And now she knew that he felt something for her, she definitely wasn’t. She knew it because he had spoken to Dan and made him see sense. He had promised her and her daughter they wouldn’t be separated and he had made good on that promise. He was a huge reason, perhaps the biggest reason, that Trixie was with her, asleep in her room right now.

She unlocked her phone and started typing a reply.

Thank you, Lucifer. For everything.

His response was almost immediate.

You have nothing to thank me for, Detective. Judge Tourvel is a smart woman. She merely saw what was blaringly obvious.

Chloe’s lips twitched into a smile.

And Dan? she asked.

Turns out he can be smart too. Who knew?

She chuckled under her breath, her fingers flying across the screen.

I know you talked to him. What did you say?

She needed to hear it. She needed to know what he said, and what he did, because she had spent years unsuccessfully trying to make Dan listen—but one conversation with Lucifer Morningstar had him bending to his will.

She wanted to know what he had said about her, what he thought about her and what he felt about her. She wanted to know if he felt the same way she did, if he considered their relationship in the same way she did—not something she was looking for, but something she found nonetheless.

It’s not important. I’m just glad you got what you wanted.

She frowned.

He’d said that already.

And since when did Lucifer Morningstar pass up an opportunity to gloat?

She knew him to be many things—but humble wasn’t one of them. She expected him to absolutely revel in the success of the case, to take full credit for it, to luxuriate in it like a cat lounging in the sun. Chloe almost wanted him to. It would be better than this, this space between them, this distance he seemed insistent on creating.

She shook off the disquieting feeling and just took a leap.

Do you want to come over? Trixie’s asleep.

When he didn’t reply straight away, she rolled her bottom lip between her teeth and tried a different tack.

I promise I’ll be quiet again. You can even gag me if you like.

Her cheeks burned. She fought the urge to throw her phone across the room, half in disbelief that she’d said that. But their relationship had been built upon sex. From that first day in his office, it was how they’d connected. It was their foundation.

Lucifer loved sex—and he never turned her down.

And yet, her phone buzzed a rejection.

As tempting as that offer is, I’ll have to pass. Busy night at Lux, you know how it is. Goodnight, Detective.

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