Chapter 10

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Sorry this is late, I've been rlly unwell the last few days but here we are!!

This is the last chapter guys 😭😭 I LOVED WRITING THIS STORY THOUGH!!

"I want to fuck you on my balcony.”

Lucifer’s voice was dipped low, his brazen request spoken without hesitation. Chloe was already pressed up against the window, her flushed, nude body sliding slick against the glass. He was naked too and completely unashamed about it. He displayed himself like the gift he was, divinity sculpted by the hand of God Himself. It still made Chloe’s head spin.

She locked eyes with him, piercing blue on blown out black. Her fingers trembled where they dug into the banded muscles of his shoulders, buzzing from three orgasms and counting. She leaned in to capture his mouth again, lips sliding over each other hotly. Her tongue slipped in, tangling with his, each lick a reignited flame between her thighs.

He broke the kiss to drag his mouth across her jaw. Hot kisses travelled a path to her ear until he caught the lobe between his teeth and bit down gently.

“I wanted to fuck you on that balcony before,” he mused, resting the fingers that had been inside her at Charlotte’s party, mere hours before, against her kiss-swollen lips, “let me fuck you on mine now. Let me feel you come on my cock the way you came on my fingers.”

She playfully bit down on one of his fingers and watched a smirk crawl slowly over his face. He took a step back, bringing his hand back down to his side, and then he lifted it again to hold it before her in a silent gesture.

She took it, entwining their fingers with wholehearted consent.

He guided her to the balcony, the cool breeze gently billowing the black drapes behind them. He wasted little time in pressing her up against the railing, strong hands drifting down to grip her ass and pull her flush against his raging erection. She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyelids fluttering as the head of his cock bumped against her pulsing clit.

Her hips arched needily into him, her fingers splayed wide on his chest. She slid them up to his face to cup his jaw and bring him in for a deep kiss. He hummed into it, a small vibration that travelled into her mouth and sparked through her whole body.

When he reached down to give his hard length a few languid pumps and then lined himself up with her entrance, she stopped him with a quick, “wait.”

He stilled, his gaze flicking up to her face.

“I believe there was something you wanted to see,” she murmured, remembering the dirty words he had poured into her ears on that balcony, muttered with every pump of his fingers inside her.

“Once I’ve taken you apart with my hands, I want to fly you back to my penthouse and see these lips wrapped around my cock.”

She lowered herself to her knees and watched clear realisation flicker through his eyes. They darkened, pupils fat and blown to black, as his hands snaked out to grasp the railing behind her and in-front of him. He leaned forward, his head bowing between his shoulders, his brow arching in curiosity.

She curled her fingers around his erection in a tight grip. She gave it a few easy strokes before she leaned in and licked away the pre-cum beading at the tip.

She heard the sharp inhale he withdrew between his teeth.

And she heard the hiss he exhaled again when she took him into her mouth.

“That’s it,” he breathed, “good girl.”

She hummed around his cock at the praise, one hand coming up to grip what her mouth couldn’t fit. She set a steady rhythm, making sure to breathe through her nose, controlling her gag reflex.

A Deckerstar AU Where stories live. Discover now