Chapter 6

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Happy new year everyone! Hope your 2023 goes well!

As Lucifer stood at her door, takeaway bags in hand, patiently waiting for her answer, Chloe considered her options.

She thought very seriously about saying no.

She needed a good night’s sleep, uninterrupted and alone, where she would wake up focused and refreshed. Not sore between her thighs and exhausted from her body being bent in ways she never thought possible. She needed rest, and a clear head, and no distractions.

The sensible thing would be to push him away again—for good, this time. To let him go… and find a way to make it stick. He was no good for her. All the reasons she normally said no to dinner with him… none of them had changed. He was still wild, and unpredictable, and dangerous. A wolf wrapped up in a three piece suit.

And yet—

She found herself saying yes anyway.

She found herself opening the door a little wider in a gesture for him to come inside.

Because… when all was said and done…  she wanted to.

It was this simple fact that drove her, that made her move.

A flicker of surprise passed over his face as he stepped over the threshold and brushed past her. Chloe’s heart clenched in her chest as she closed the door. He obviously thought she would say no—and why wouldn’t he? If history had taught him anything, it was a fair assumption. The fact that he came anyway made her feel warm.

She turned around to see him taking over her kitchen, opening cupboards, and drawers, and fetching cutlery. For once, she didn’t care about him dominating the situation, about him taking control. It was welcomed. She was physically and emotionally exhausted.

He flicked some lights on and set the table. Chloe watched from the living room, leaning against Trixie’s door with her arms crossed over her chest.

It was all very… domestic.

In some ways, he looked like he didn’t belong—a multi-millionaire lawyer crammed in her tiny kitchen, wearing a suit that probably cost more than her monthly salary.

But in other ways, in all the ways that counted, he looked like he did.

Emotion wound its way from her core to strangle her throat. It felt like her chest was on fire. She tried to swallow, tears springing to her eyes.

Once the table was laid, more food than she could possibly eat and ranging from Italian to Indian, he finally spoke.

“I didn’t know what you liked… so I got a bit of everything.”

It felt strange, jarring, to think he knew so much about her, and yet so little. He knew what she liked in bed, how to touch her, and kiss her, and make her moan. He knew the big stuff, like her birthday, and the morals she kept closely guarded, and how much she missed her Dad. But he didn’t know what food she liked, or that her guilty pleasure was the Bachelor, or that her favourite colour was blue. They had done everything backwards.

But he was still here.

He wanted to know. He’d said as much.

I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.

When she replied, it wasn’t to tell him that she loved Italian food, but hated Chinese. It was to choke out—

“It didn’t go very well today.”

A melancholy expression of sympathy flashed over his face. He closed the gap between them in a few silent steps. When he was standing in-front of her, he lifted his hand and gently cupped her jaw.

A Deckerstar AU Where stories live. Discover now