Chapter 6 - Being Good is BORING

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Striding into the center of the expansive studio, Cassian's eyes flashed between Morrigan, Eris, and Nesta.

"My pas-de-trois." He purred the words, smiling a Cheshire cat smile as his eyes flickered between the lithe dancers.

Eris was standing with his chin raised between the ballerinas, his eyes lowered with a disinterest even more aristocratic and aloof than any expression Nesta could even muster. Morrigan was smiling and batting her lashes charmingly toward Cassian, and Nesta was standing with her arms folded and hip cocked, fighting the urge to tug a certain stupid blonde bun down to the shiny studio floor.

Gunning for Black Swan had been a fucking oversight and a mistake.

Because even though Nesta was finally getting to dance with Eris Vanserra, the current legend in the ballet world, Elain, ELAIN of all people, was going to be principal in her own showcase, a pas-de-deux with Lucien while Nesta was stuck fighting for the spotlight with probably one of the most gorgeous blonde ballerinas to step foot in Velaris.

Fucking hells.

Nesta in a pas-de-trois.

Could it get more ridiculous?

"Thank you for joining me today. You've been carefully selected for these roles, and I'm looking forward to seeing what we can create together." Cassian beamed at the trio as Morrigan glanced toward Nesta, a warm smile lighting up her face as she rocked back on her heels.

Nesta tossed the blonde a half-hearted grin which probably resembled a wince or a sneer more than a smile. This was going to be a long eight weeks.

She had complained and whined about her circumstances the entire weekend, spelling out her frustrations to her sisters until they actually fled the premises of the apartment, Elain disappearing to her gardening society meetup for all of Sunday, and Feyre staying overnight at Rhysands. Nesta knew she was being slightly over-the-top, that ballerinas routinely performed pas-de-trois... but she just felt so irritated.

Elain had been so fretful about performing as Juliet that she had little to no sage advice for Nesta, urging her to try to get along with Morrigan and just be happy she was dancing with Eris at all. Feyre had suggested Nesta use Morrigan's presence as a challenge, perhaps letting the pressure of another star ballerina push her toward even greater heights as a dancer, and Nesta had to admit it wasn't bad advice. And honestly, she'd rather be dancing across from Eris than starring in a pas-de-deux with Lucien, even if it meant sharing the stage with Barbie.

Nesta frowned again, watching Cassian pace in front of the enormous studio mirror, crossing her arms in front of her tighter and shifting her weight to her other hip.

"Pas-de-trois is complicated, finicky, and if done improperly, can look like a ridiculous contemporary dance exploration. Our work over the next eight weeks is to ensure that does NOT happen." Cassian narrowed his eyes, scouring the trio with his expression, his brows furrowed with seriousness as they all nodded.

"Eris will be balancing you both, caught between the black and white swans, though Nesta and Morrigan, you will not be rivals in this dance." The words were more of a command, like a parent setting out the ground rules for a child, and Nesta found her annoyance rising once again. "You will be mirroring the exact same dance, Nesta first followed by Mor, Eris repeating the same movements over and over until the three variations are complete."

Not a terrible concept. Nesta could give him some points for vision...

"Bringing us to the roles. Nesta, you will be our white swan, and Morrigan, the black swan." Cassian grinned at the girls, his muscles flexing in his tight t-shirt as his eyes focused on Nesta's face.

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