Chapter 1

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During a foggy night, the Dragon Riders tracked down another Dragon Trapper ship to raid. The one they found was at a stand-still in the waters, filled with cages that held dragons in each one. Hiccup and Kala snuck on board ahead of the others, landing silently and splitting up from one another once Kala had dismounted Hiccup's back.

As the two Night Furies snuck on board, one of the Dragon Trappers was patrolling the ship. A dragon roared in frustration as he passed by the cage it resided in and he tapped on the cage rudely.

"Quiet!" He said in a harsh tone, not noticing Kala just ahead of him in the fog.

Right as the Trapper was about to continue down the deck, he saw Kala light up her Inferno. The sight he got was a person fully armored, face out of sight and all. Her armor consisted of a mixture of her and Hiccup's scales, which covered the armor from head to toe. Her helmet had red markings above the eye sockets that came off as eyes themselves and on her sides there was red leather that was in a scale pattern. And it wouldn't be complete without the red Night Fury curled in midair on her right shoulder.

"What are you?" The Trapper asked as he took in the woman in front of him, not actually knowing it was a woman.

"Shh!" Kala said with an armored finger to her helmet where her mouth would be.

Hiccup climbed down from a cage behind her with his head and back fins glowing a toxic green. Seeing the aglow dragon sunk fear into the Trapper and he went to attack Kala, who dodged the attack and accidentally knocked a lamp over, causing the deck to burst into flames.

The Trapper then backed away breathing heavily, thinking he was given time to get away to warn the others. But that thought was crushed as Hiccup and Kala walked through the flames like it wasn't even there, thanks to their scales.


Kala froze when she heard him call her a demon, memories flooding back to her from everything Astrid put her through five years prior. She only broke out of her thoughts when she heard Hiccup growl at the man before them.

"Shhh! Shh, shh, shh! No, no! I'm not a demon! I'm not a demon!" Kala said frantically as she removed her mask, which now rested atop her helmet. "See? Just a girl! Just a girl, here to rescue these dragons, so..."

"But you walked through fire!" The Trapper argued.

"Dragon scales! Dragons shed a lot." Kala explained as she gestured to her armor.

"Ooh! I know a demon when I see one! No human legs are that skinny!"

Kala looked at her legs then gave the Trapper a deadpanned look. 'Is this guy for real right now?'

When the Trapper went to run from the Night Furies, Snotlout and Hookfang landed in his path, Hookfang's body set ablaze to intimidate the man. Snotlout was also covered head to toe in dragon scale armor made of Hookfang's scales.

"Think that's a good entrance? Get a load of me!" Snotlout exclaimed smugly, but that smugness was wiped away when his butt caught fire from Hookfang's flames. "Aah!"

Snotlout then proceeded to jump off Hookfang's back and run away to try and douse the flames.

"AAH! I KNEW IT! MORE DEMONS?!" The Trapper shouted as he cowered away from the Nightmare and Night Furies.

Kala facepalmed as her soon to be cousin-in-law ran off, her mate huffing as his reaction.

"No, that's really just a nitwit who forgot to fireproof his butt." Kala said exasperatedly.

"That's what he gets for not listening to me when I said to fireproof his entire body." Hiccup muttered.

"Hot! Hot, hot, hot!" Snotlout complained as he tried to put out the fire on his armor. He then noticed the twins coming to land and waved at them to try and get them to stop. "Guys! No! Not yet!"

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