Chapter 6 - The Temple

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"I am the Wolf," I started to explain, "I barely have any control over it though. The only theory me and my sister have is that it must be linked to my emotions. The stronger the emotion, the larger I usually get". Both Robyn and Sparks stared at me, their jaws practically touching the ground.
"You have human sister, what's her name?" Robyn asked before getting up and grabbing something from Sparks saddle bag.
"Her name is Luna. She is the last of my siblings left alive. She is a Wolf" I explained as I got up, "anyway something tells me we should continue"
"You say that you think your shifting is controlled by your emotions."
"Yes. It is the most logical conclusion we have gotten to." I answered
"Then why did you not shift when we fought. I mean that would have been an ideal time." Robyn reasoned.
"That is where you are wrong. I did shift, just not a full form shift. When Sparks bit me that was the first time I was able to transform into something like a humanoid dragon, though now I wonder if I will achieve a full form shift." I explained as we restarted our travel.

"What happened the first time you did a full form?" Robyn asked as we started to climb a dark, ominous looking mountain.
"That was only about a month or so ago. The night it occurred was a blood moon, worse than that... It was the night... the night that" I could not bring myself to finish that sentence, I blamed myself, their blood was on my hands.
"What happened that night?" Robyn asked as she climbed up next to me.
"It was the night that humans half killed my brothers and sister. Luna and them were out on a revenge kill or something like that. They were trapped and mortally wounded, left to die. I can still hear them. Their fear." I practically cried as I punched the wall. Robyn shimmied over and patted me on the back.
"What were their names?" She asked as we almost reached the mountain's peak.
"Echo, she was our other sister; Fang, despite his age he was one of the strongest in the pack; and then there was Twitch, he was always trying to make all of us happy, reminding us there is more to life than survival" I cried even more at remembering them.

"You had good siblings, Stephen. You cannot carry this burden that you do. They do not blame you" Robyn explained as I lifted her up onto the mountain's plateau. I was furious. After all three of us were up, I grabbed my blade and slammed it into a nearby oak. I then removed my blade and tossed the large oak of the mountain. "You do not understand. They all thought I was dead. That is why they went to kill a hunter. They thought the hunters had killed me. They died under the illusion that I was dead. The bad part is I still hear them. Each time I pick up my blade or listen hard enough, they are there" I vented venomously.
"Stephen... I didn't..." Robyn said as I started to walk away.
"Do you understand what that is like, being responsible for the death of your own family." I growled as I reached the other edge of the mountain. I could feel something just beneath my skin, trying to tear its way out.

The pain I was experiencing was like stabbing yourself with a poker fresh from the fire, all over my body.

I could feel myself getting more and more lightheaded. I dropped to my knees in pure agony. I could barely hear a scream escape from my throat. My vision was fading fast. I could barely see through the blue haze engulfing my vision. I could just about see Robyn and Sparks running over. "No! Stay back, I do not wish to harm you" I cried as I lost even more of my vision. For the next few moments all of my senses shut down. I was then suddenly aware of a falling sensation accompanied only with a newer burning throughout my body.

I could feel myself getting larger. My vision thankfully returned as I landed on the ground. I looked up to see that the mountain now seemed smaller, it was still large just it seemed like I was half the size. I then looked down to see my paws. Only this time they were the same alabaster white as Luna's and our Mum's fur. I still felt a burning but only in my eyes. I then heard what I assume was a gasp. Turning back around to look up, I saw Sparks flying above me. Robyn looked both awe struck and completely petrified.

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