Chapter 32 - Rough Starts

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"What's a curse mark?" I asked Freya as I looked up from the scroll containing the resistance's code.
"A curse mark forms on oneself when they use a dark type of magic. It burns an envious green and won't fade from one's body for at least a century, even after death it will remain." She explained.
"What types of magic are considered dark?" I asked as I placed the scroll next to me. Freya looked like she was struggling to think of an answer before saying, "Soul snatching, that's a form of dark magic. Forcibly moving a soul from one place to another."

"Surely then, the spirit magic I use isn't any better?" I asked nervously as she leaned forward.
"No the way that your spirit magic works is through either using your spiritual energy or through voluntary power. Your family's spirits were strong enough to hold on until a suitable vessel was presented. Throughout history those gems were used to help save and protect others. Soul snatching is when the spirit either does not have enough power to hold on or it is moved somewhere it does not want to go." She explained slowly.

"What is the punishment for committing such an act?" I asked.
"Instant Banishment. Although if there is enough evidence to suggest that it was accidental or done with a good cause, we give them a warning." She explained.
"Can I like... ask you a totally different question?" I asked.
"Sure, feel free. What is on your mind?" She asked.

I felt my breath turning a bit shaky as I was about to talk.
"What... what were my parents... my biological parents, what were they like?" I asked after composing myself. I looked down to the floor. It was a silly question to ask sure but... but I wanted to know. Freya looked up to me as she smiled.
"Your father, where to begin with him. You look a lot like him. Apart from a few factors from your Mum as well as the way that you've lived. Well he was always helping people. He was a strong and reliable ally. Everyone for some reason or another, respected him." She explained as she gently brushed her hand across my cheek.

"What about my biological Mum, Artemis what was she like?" I asked. Freya then turned to the bookcase opposite and began scanning the spines. A minute later she stopped on one, pulled it out and flicked straight to a particular page. She then turned the book so that I could see the page.
"That is what Artemis looked like." She said as I looked at the drawing. She had had beautiful long brown hair that flowed halfway down her back. Her eyes were a rich golden brown. Both of her ears were pointy like mine.
"She was always caring and healing the creatures of the night. She was a pillar of justice and kindness. She also helped shepherd beings to sleep. I like to think that even now, she still watches over us." Freya finished as I passed her back the book.


I awoke to the ear bleeding cawing of seagulls. I really missed the serenity of my cabin. I was thankful for the fact that I was engulfed in warmth and happiness. I enjoyed the warm gusts of air that blew up my neck and tickled the tips of my ears. A small smile crept across my face. I noticed her bare arm was led across my chest.

Then I realised something was off. I could not feel the boat rocking.

As I was about to get up to investigate, the arm wrapped around me tightened as it pulled me back closer. As I was tugged back, I had rolled over. I was now facing Robyn. Her sleeping face was caught between happiness and confusion. Her lips were slightly pursued as if she was going to say something. I went to turn and get out of the bed when I noticed her lips start to move.
"S...Stephen, I-I y-you." She quietly stuttered as she snuggled deeper into the bed. I decided against waking her, this would probably be the last time that she would get to enjoy the comfort of a proper bed for the foreseeable future.

I gently lifted some hair off of her face as I left the room.

As I hastily closed the door behind me, I was struck in the face by a cold gust of air. The thin tunic and trousers I was wearing did very little to help.  Fur instinctively started to burst out across my body except for my head. As I headed towards the bow, I noticed a semi-eerie fog hugged the deck. When I climbed to the front, I was shocked at what I could see.

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