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YOU STOOD AT THE door contemplating whether to take off your heels and run back down the drive way and get in your car and drive away, but you knew you couldn't let Rafaella and Davi down

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YOU STOOD AT THE door contemplating whether to take off your heels and run back down the drive way and get in your car and drive away, but you knew you couldn't let Rafaella and Davi down. Rafaella had insisted you came Davi's birthday party at Neymar's house, saying Davi had been begging for you to come after he hadn't seen you in months as you were travelling all over the place for work.

You knew it was going to be hard for you to see Neymar after all your history together, in and out of relationships, acting as a mother for Davi and not to mention Neymar's whole family loved you and treated you as one of their own.

You wore a white fitted mid thigh dress which didn't show much cleveage and it had long flowy sleeves, with a pair sparkly heels and clutch bag to match. You could hear the music and laughter from inside which make your stomach churn even more.

"Y/n?" Your head whipped round and you came to face Rafaella grinning ear to ear with her arms wide open, walked as fast as you could to not fall down the steps in your heels before throwing yourself into Rafaella's arms. You held each other for a few minutes before you pulled apart.

"God, I've missed you so much" she smiled.

"I know it's been so long" You signed happily. You watched as Rafaella studied for face then body, you almost felt intimidated until she let out a squeal.

"I'm jealous you look so gorgeous y/n, Come on let's go see Davi he hasn't stopped talking about you since Neymar told him you were coming" she grabbed your hand and began to pull you towards the massive mansion. You pulled back trying to fight the nervousness, Rafaella turned back to you noticing the hesitatence coming from you making you look down at your feet.

"You still care about him don't you?" She questioned squeezing your hand in comfort. You sighed looking away trying to stop the tears gathering in your waterline before turning back to her nodding hopelessly.

"Aww y/n you know he still feels the same about you too" you felt your heart flutter at the sound of her words making you sending her a soft smile but you didn't know what to believe anymore.

"So where's Davi?" You grinned, you came here for one reason to make him happy on his birthday so why ruin it. Rafaella grinned at your response gesturing towards the doors. You followed behind her up the steps still holding your hand in reassurance. You stepped inside nothing much has change in the house besides there was a few new pieces of art hanging up on the walls.

"Y/n!" You turned around at the sound of the Davi's voice, you gasped at the sight of how much he had grown over the past few months. He came hurtling towards you jumping into your open arms as he wrapped his legs around your torso and arms around your neck.

"Hi baby" You chuckled down at the blonde boy staring up at you with so much love. You gently kissed the top of his head and kept him in your arms as Rafaella stood to the side with tears in her eyes at the reunion. Other guests stood around the floor watched with smiles aswell.

Hearing the scream from her grandson Nadine, Neymars mum came over gasping at the sight of you before coming over and giving you a massive hug with Davi squished in the middle which he didn't seem that fussed about along as he was in you arms he was happy.

"My gosh, you look absolutely gorgeous" Nadine gushed pushing your back gently so you would turn and she would get a 360 turn of you, you smiled thanking her before looking back down to Davi still in your arms. "Doesn't she son?" Your eyes widened, your stomach was practically doing flips as you began to look up at Neymar who stood there watching you with Davi in adimation.

"Yeah" he murmured as his eyes began to rake over your body. You noticed how his hair was now shorter, his beard was fuller and he looked exhausted but still managed to look hot, realising you had been staring too long he looked into your eyes catching your gaze. You quickly look away to hide your blush and glance towards Rafaella who had a wicked smile plastered on her face.

.・゜゜・ - ・゜゜・.

The night dragged on for you, you were happy to finally reunite with Davi and Neymar's family but you couldn't wait to leave so you could get away from the awkward atmosphere with Neymar. As it got late all the guests started to leave so you, Davi, Rafaella, Neymar, Nadine and Neymar Sr. sat in the living room watching a film of Davi's choice.

Davi cuddled into your side dreading the moment when Neymar would decide it time for him to go to bed and he drifted in and out of sleep arguing with his grandfather he wasn't tired even though he clearly was. Neymar layed on the sofa on the opposite side of the room facing the TV however his attention was on you.

You were now changed into a pair of Rafaella's pyjamas shorts and one of Neymar's hoodies after Nadine insisted you stayed the night as the whole family was and you were family therefore deserved to stay. When you noticed Davi was fully asleep you smiled down at him and stroked your fingers through his blonde hair.

"Can I put Davi to bed?" You asked quietly Nadine smiled nodding and you got up slowly, pulling down your shorts that had risen up your thighs. You lifted up Davi and began to take his upstairs, you found your way round easily because you practically used to live there. You put Davi into bed as he was commanded by Neymar to wash his face and brush his teeth before the film knowing his son would be too tired to do it after.

Once you tucked him in you sat on the edge of his bed stroking your fingers along his little adorable chubby cheeks. Your breath caught in your throat as you spotted a photo frame with a picture of Neymar holding Davi with one arm the other was wrapped around your waist and he was placing a kiss on your cheek.

You slowly got up from Davi's bed when he let out a little groan and mumbled "mamãe, stay". You gasped at his words as he never had called you that before, you stepped towards to bed and sat so your back was against his headboard.

"I love you" planting a kiss on his head. You sat cuddled up to him and before you knew it sleep engulfed you.

When you felt your weight being lifted your eyes fluttered open looking up to see Neymar who was too busy focusing on not to drop you to realise you were awake. His chiseled jaw line looked more defined in the dark hallway and his long eyelashes fluttered as he turned the light on to make his way into the spare bedroom.

"Stop staring" he murmured quietly making your cheeks flush in embarrassment and you quickly looked away, as the amused smirk became bigger thar graced his plump lips.

"I wasn't" You argued he chuckled and open nudged the guest room door open with his foot before putting u down. You crossed your arms looking around trying not to glance at Neymar as he was watching you intensely.

"It's nice to see you back with my family again, they really enjoy you being here" he tried to break the awkward silence. You smiled finally looking up into his hazel eyes, nodding in agreement.

"And what about you?" You questioned watching him look away running his tongue over his pearly whites. "Do you enjoy me being here" your urged.

He tilted his head to the side a smirk playing on his face, he took at step closer so your chest were nearly touching making your breath catch in your throat. He slowly leaned down, his warm breath tickling your ear.

"All you need to know is I'm never planning on letting you leave"

𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 , 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now