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AFTER TRYING TO REFEREE a war between Mateo and Ciro on who got to sit next to me, we finally got to out seats

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AFTER TRYING TO REFEREE a war between Mateo and Ciro on who got to sit next to me, we finally got to out seats. I sat between Neymar and Mateo whilst his mother sat on the other side of him with a very unhappy Ciro slouched on her lap knowing Mateo would choose violence if he didn't get his way.

As a montage of the 20 nominees including me played my heart was racing, I would be amazing to win but the thought of going on stage to give a speech infront of the best footballers in the world was nerve-racking.

As they pulled out the envelope to read the winner my leg began bouncing, Neymar placed his hand ontop of mine giving it a gentle squeeze and rubbing circular motions on my palm to calm me down.

"Who is the fith Ballon d'Or in history" a woman asked on the stage before the man started to open the envelope. The theatre went silent, I held my breath and clutched Neymar's hand tightly.

"Y/n Y/l/n" the man read out, everyone began to cheer and I let out a breath. Neymar stood up holding out his hand and gently pulled me up, I didn't know if he was because he was being genuinely helpful knowing I probably would freeze up or he was being the typical Neymar and trying to steal my spotlight.

Nether the less I reluctantly made my way on stage as the cheers became louder. I received the Ballon d'Or and thanked the hosts giving them a kiss on their cheeks. As they began to talk about me making history and inspiring young girls, I looked into the audience psst the bright lights.

Neymar was sitting with a heart-warming smile resting on his lips whilst the Messi children had little proud grins and even Messi himself looked prideful as they watched me on stage. Making my way to the speech stand I laughed nervously placing the Ballon d'Or on the stand before adjusting the microphones to my height.

"It's truly an honour to be nonimated against some of these amazing women. Winning this will not change me, I will still work continuously and give a hundred percent of my time and effort into the next coming seasons wether in training or matches. Thankyou" i wiped the tears from my waterline then the cheering erupted for the last time as I made my way off the stage.

.・゜゜・ - ・゜゜・.

After hundreds of interviews and group photos I could finally relax, sipping on a glass of champagne whilst I watched the footballers and thier partners sway together on the dance floor. I sat on a table with Neymar watching over the Messi children. Ciro finally got his opportunity to have time with me as he was sitting in my lap with his eyes fluttering open and shut but denying he was tired.

Mateo was sat next to Thagio as they munched on some nibbles left in bowls on the table. Antonella giggled when her and Leo came back from the dance floor at the sight of Mateo asleep in my lap, she thanked me then took him from me.

Neymar stood up making me look at him before he circled the table and stopped infront of me. "Can I have this dance" he held out his hand whilst his lip turned up into his signature smirk.

" I guess you may" I playfully rolled my eyes as he chuckled deeply before placing his hand on my back and guiding me to the dance floor. Once we arrived he placed his arms around my waist and I draped my arms around his neck as we swayed to the slow song.

The way his hazel eyes bored into mine and never broke contact made my knees go weak, detecting the lust in my eyes he pulled me closer so we were chest to chest. He brought his hand up to my chin tilting it up to him and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip.

"C'mon let's go to mine" he whispered pulling my hand through the crowds of people. "Were leaving" Neymar shout whispered over the music as we passed Leo and Antonella's table, Leo nodded not really thinking much of it but Antonella caught on and wiggled her eyebrows at me making me laugh to myself.

We didn't stop on the way out the venue as Neymar continued to tug my arm as I trailed innocently behind. He opened the passenger seat door and I lowered myself in, Neymar noticed how the leg slit on my dress had raised and shook it out of his head before shuting the door and getting into the drivers side.

The ride back to Neymar's didn't seem that long, not that I was paying attention as Ney's tattooed vein riddled hand lay ontop of my thigh. The rings of his fingers were cool against my skin and it made more goosebumps appear on my smooth skin.

Pulling up to his house he helped me out before pressing himself up against my back and peppering kisses all down my neck and across my jaw. Once in our lips collided and his hands down my sides landing on my arse giving a pinch making me moan and allowing his tongue entrance to my mouth, I kicked my heels off and giggled against his lips as Neymar nearly tripped over them as he let out a lie growl.

He gave my arse a slap and I instinctively jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. Carrying me upstairs before walking into his room and kicking the door shut with his heel whilst I remained in his grasp tugging his shirt over his head. I think you know what happened after that

.・゜゜・ - ・゜゜・.

Waking up to find a tattooed arm wrapped around my waist and a chiseled chest pressed up against my back was not what I was expecting, turning round I came to face Neymar. He looked so peaceful with his plumb morning lips slightly ajar and his brown eyelashes resting on his tanned skin.

"Morning meu amor" my love he breathed out in his gruff morning voice, I quickly looked away realising he noted me gazing over his face for the past few minutes.

"Morning" I whispered trying to hide my face from the embarrassment. He chuckled roughly and pulled some of my hair away from my face, cupping my cheek he leaned in gazing straight into my eyes. I met him half way and we began to kiss, I could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose and we breathed each other in.

𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 , 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now