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THE FAMOUS TRIO sat in the back of the tour bus for the Barcelona parade, it had been a long day and you couldn't wait to arrive back at camp nou

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THE FAMOUS TRIO sat in the back of the tour bus for the Barcelona parade, it had been a long day and you couldn't wait to arrive back at camp nou. Being Xavi Hernandez's daughter meant it was rare you missed out on these special moments of the clubs.

It was late and your tiredness was building, legs rested on Gavi's lap as he nibbled on some pizza and your head layed on Pedri's lap as your face was nuzzled into his chest. The familiar scent of his conologue on his barca nike tech making you feel at ease.

Numerous players still pranced about the bus to the blaring music, celebrating their latest victory. Pedri noticed every time your features would scrunch up in discomfort at the loud beats. Placing his drink down he placed his hand ontop of your head, shielding your ears from the noise.

He watched you tenderly, he thought you looked adorable. Meanwhile Gavi noticed his friend's attention on the girl in his arms, watching closely as pedri leant down placing a delicate kiss to your temple. Gavi shook his head in amusement at how his friend was so oblivious to the love he had for you.

Pulling up to camp nou hundreds of fans remained waiting for the squads return, the loud roaring could be heard from the interior of the bus. Pedri knew he would have to wake you up much to his dismay.

He took the more gentle approach and stroked his fingers slowly along your cheek, in response you released a soft sigh before snuggling closer to pedri's warm body.Gavi took it upon himself to try to wake you up aswell, removing your legs from his lap he made his way over to you and pedri.

Pedri watched curiously as gavi licked his finger before placing it inside your ear, you shot up immediately giving Gavi a wack as he hysterically laughed. You turned to Pedri, there was a faint smile on his lips incidating he also found the situation funny to which you groggily huffed at.

As the players began to exit the bus Pedri pulled you up from your seat with ease. Following Gavi down the isle you occasionally bashed into the seats when loosing your balance making Pedri grab your waist gently to sturdy your steps.

Once at the steps off the bus Gavi held his hand out helping you down while Pedri remained closely behind incase you were to stumble. You began to plodd your way through crowds behind the barriers, red smoke filled the air and the supporters chanted.

Pedri noticed your pace began to decrease, slowing everyone else behind down. He thought for a minute before swooping an arm under the back of your thighs and the other around your torso, keeping you close to his chest.

"amor joven" young love Jordi Alba whispered turning to Sergio Busquets with a knowing smile as they strolled behind the trio, Gavi trailing behind you and Pedril like a lost puppy.

Once gathering thier belongings from inside players began to leave and make thier way home. Sitting waiting for Xavi you had finally past the drowsiness stage of waking up, thanks to the stadiums bright lights. Hearing the sound of footsteps you looked up seeing Pedri and Gavi making thier way over, you raised your brow when Pedri offered his hand to help you up.

"Your papá said you could stay at mine tonight, Gavi too" Pedri told you, your mind wandered to your father. He normally didn't like the idea of his little girl hanging around with boys nevermind sleeping over at one of thier houses

Little did you know Xavi noticed the way you and Pedri looked at eachother, the way your faces lit up after seeing one another and the way Pedri constantly looked after you.Xavi knew Pedri wasn't a player on and off the pitch, unlike most of the younger players who let all the female attention go to their heads. He actually very much liked the idea of you and Pedri together.

Just as if he knew you were thinking about him, your father rounded the corner and made his way over once seeing the little group. "Buenas noches y portaos bien por favor" goodnight and behave please he said before planting a kiss to your cheek, you nodded. He gave Pedri a pat on the back before disappearing to his car.

The trio got to Pedri's car and got in, you sat in the passenger seat and Gavi slumped in the back after Pedri chose you to sit in the front with him. The ride back to Pedri's was in silence, but a comfortable silence. You giggled catching Gavi in the mirror dozing off before hitting is head off the window, waking up abruptly.

Once in Pedri's house Gavi took himself off to do his normal routine as he normally stayed with Pedri. You on the other hand wandered the hallways until you found Pedri's room, knocking gently on the door.

"Adelante" come in his muffled voice replied through the door, you entered slowly and your eyes widened slightly seeing his top half bare whilst some shorts covered his bottom half. He smirked before walking closer and looking at you questioningly.

"I dont have anything to wear" your voice was quieter than usual, you felt nervous under Pedri's intense stare. He finally stepped back allowing you to take an much needed deep breath, vanishing into his walk in wardrobe he returned a few seconds later with a t-shirt and some boxers.

Taking them from him you thanked him before rushing out of his room leaving him there smirking at your timid behaviour. You finally found the bathroom and began to change, the t-shirt trailed down your thighs making the boxers not visible.

Entering the living room both boys layed sprawled out on the sofas whilst playing fifa, rolling your eyes you found a small space sit. Pedri kept glacing at you from the corner of his eye as he continued to play with the controller. He opened his arms, you hesitantly layed on his front and layed your cheek against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. The pattern lulling you into a sleep.

𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 , 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now