𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐑 - 𝘕𝘦𝘺𝘮𝘢𝘳 𝘫𝘳

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IT WASN'T EVEN YOUR wedding day yet you were a nervous wreck to walk down the isle as your best friends maid of honour

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IT WASN'T EVEN YOUR wedding day yet you were a nervous wreck to walk down the isle as your best friends maid of honour. You smoothed out the back of your friends dress as you reassured her she looked beautiful and everything was going to be just fine.

Giving her hand one last squeeze you turned the corner to walk down the isle, your dress blew freely behind you from the outdoor ceremony. You gripped the bouquet of flowers in your hands tightly feeling everyones eyes on you, but a certain pair of hazel ones made your stomach flutter.

You took your place and finally turned to face your best friends soon to be husband, sending him a smile your attention wandered to over his shoulder. Neymar stood confidently, his beard trimmed, curls coiled to perfection. The sun beamed on his skin, highlighting his features.

As your eyes roamed his appearance across the altar he noticed your wandering eyes and began to stare deeply into your distracted eyes. When your attention returned to his face you caught his intense gaze making you snap your head in the direction of the isle just as your best friend began to glide gracefully down it.

As the couple were announced bride and groom they began thier journey back down the isle. You jumped slightly at the contact of Neymar's hand on your arm before he hooped it through yours, you finally looked up at his face which you had been avoiding peeping at throughout the ceremony.

"You look perfeita" he spoke turning to look down at you, your eyes widened and your cheeks reddened at the compliment. You weren't really friends with Neymar, you occasionally spotted him at events you were invited to by friends however you never made the effort to make conversation.

A smug smile settled on his lips as you walked in sink down the isle, your cheeks remained red still and it made your friends sat in the rows to smirk knowingly.
Once away from the ceremony set up, you pulled your arm from Neymar looking around curiously as who you were going with in a car to the wedding reption.

"you're with me linda" you jumped slightly at his breath fanning on your neck from the proximity of his front to your back. Hearing his footsteps as he walked to his car you finally turned around seeing him stood by the passenger door which was open.

You hesitantly walked towards the car, and watched with wonder as he pulled his hand out of his trousers pocket and left it hovering infront of you. You accepted his hand while whispering a soft thanks and dipped yourself down into the vehicle and began fastening your seatbelt as Neymar shut the door.

Staring at the road straight ahead of you, you could see Neymar's eyes roaming your body as he bit his bottom lip all while he was driving. You shifted in your seat, your intoxicating aroma travelling up Neymar's nostrils.

Once arriving at the wedding reption Neymar rushed to the passenger door and helped you out. You began your journey up the steps into the venue, Neymar soon catching up and once again looping your arms together. You were thankful for his help, afterall climbing steps in heels wasn't the easiest.

Entering the room you thanked Neymar before detaching yourself from him and wandering over to a table where all your friends sat, all suggestive looks on thier faces. Rolling your eyes you took a seat and began to answer the many questions about your car ride with Neymar.

You let out a sigh as you looked around at all your friends happily dancing with their partners, you turned your attention back to the nearly empty champagne glass infront of you. Swilling the conents in the glass between your perfectly manicured nails you whipped your head up when you felt a hand on your bare shoulder.

"dance with me" Neymar spoke over the slow gentle music in the background, it was more of a statement than a question. You took in his appearance, his suit jacket had disappeared, his tie was no longer existant.

Instead a few buttons were undone on his shirt showing off the beginning of the artwork covering his torso. His sleeves were rolled up, trousers hung low on his hips and his masculine stance made you gulp.

You gripped Neymar's extended hand as he easily pulled you up from your seat, you colliding with his solid body. Your cleavage was pressed up against his chest and his eyes devoured you hungrily, the new proximity between you and him allowed you to smell the sweet scent of alcohol on his breath.

He guided you to the dancefloor where his fingers brushed your hips before locking around your waist and pulling you close as possible. Wrapping your arms around his wide shoulders the two of you swayed slowly to the music. Him placing his forehead against yours as his lips brushed your forehead and mumbled huskily.

"Come to my room with me"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐓 , 𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘵𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now