Chapter 5 - Keziah

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"You cannot have her!"

The demon falters, but I don't doubt he'll smack me aside and grab Carmi, the fifteen-year-old who reminds me so much of Sierra it hurts, the moment he recovers.

Intelligence sparks to awareness behind the terrifying male's eyes, his vibrant green irises made brighter by his blue flesh.

"Oh no, tiny fierceling. I don't want her. I want you."

The dread thrumming throughout my veins solidifies, the past few hours coalescing and striking me all over again, yet despite the pain in my body, something buried deep behind my sternum blooms and stretches toward the beast.

He extends both of his massive arms and wraps his gigantic hands around me, spanning the whole of my waist with ease. Frozen in terror, I almost drag Carmi along with me, but force my fingers to release her at the last second so she doesn't get pulled along the floorboards.

Heat scorches my face as he hauls me against his clad chest, the silky texture of his suit weaving its way into my petrified brain. My fingers knead the fabric over his abdomen before reality intrudes. I push against him, but my efforts prove useless.

Thick digits weave into my tight curls, sending pricks of pain through my scalp. A twist of his wrist angles my face upward, leaving me exposed to his masculine stare.

Black pupils eat up the vibrant green rings of his irises while his lips lift to reveal stark white teeth, his canines long and menacing. With sharp cheekbones and fat curved horns framing his head, plus another set standing proud and evil from his forehead, he exudes masculine power unlike any I've ever experienced.

Panic seizes me.

The horror I've already faced today means nothing compared to what this creature plans to do to me.

His goliath cock presses against my belly, easily four times bigger than the alpha who hurt me earlier.

I ball my hands into fists and hit his sides as hard as I can while struggling against his hold, but nothing stops his assault.

He bends down and captures my mouth with his own.

I drown. Drown in horror. Wonder. Disgust. Hunger.

As his tongue pries apart my teeth, I sink into carnal lust, the sun blooming in my abdomen and awakening dormant organs. He takes and takes, invading the recesses of my mouth with sensual, dark promises, his tongue leaving no part of me unexplored.

Scorching me, he slides one hand off my hip and digs his broad fingers into my ass, engulfing more than half of my butt in his palm. He grinds his front against mine, using his handhold to lift me from the floor.

With my feet dangling in the air and bright yellow light running through my nerves, I descend deeper and deeper into the abyss.

I've never seen more water than a bucketful in my entire life, yet as this massive demon takes control of my body, I experience what must be drowning. He surrounds me, invades me, fills me, until nothing remains of me except animalistic need.

He pulls his hypnotic lips away from mine and snarls that potent word again.


My soul stretches, yearning for him, pleading for something I don't understand but something that feels deliciously right.

Fiery hot alpha pheromones storm my nostrils and ravage my senses. My stomach tightens and wetness trickles down my thighs.

I break. Reality intrudes, my mind screaming within the confines of my instincts.


My voice emerges weak and pathetic, my mental anguish clear in my tone, but the nightmare above me does not care.

He growls, the sound almost too low for my ears to register, but my body responds. His vibration sinks into my muscles and organs, relaxing some and tensing others.

The warmth of the transporter floor seems cold compared to the beast mastering my body, even the hardness paling in comparison to his unyielding strength.

Fabric rips. My mind catches up just in time for him to cut off my scream by wrapping his huge hand around my throat, his palm restricting my ability to look down.

Air wafts across my exposed breasts, my thin belt preventing him from ripping my clothes all the way down the front.

A few jerks of his free hand leads to my legs parted around his waist and his gigantic cock grinding against my womanhood.

"Please, no!"

Even with my palms pressed against his expansive chest and my elbows locked straight, he has no problem thrusting his hips and rubbing his weapon against my folds.

With nothing but his suit and my thin panties between us, I feel every inch of his girth.

He'll kill me.

He throws his head back and groans, making me sink into sunlight again, but when he leans back onto his knees and pulls my butt onto his lap, keeping my shoulders pinned to the floor, I clutch at the hand around my throat.

I writhe and scratch at his wrist as his unoccupied hand explores my thin frame. My flesh sparks to life, golden rays arrowing through my nerves as he pinches my nipples and traces my ribs. He trails lower. My stomach contracts in a wicked plea, another surge of lust dampening my folds.

It hurts. My insides throb.

White light blinds me and scorches my marrow as broad digits slip under my panties and find the sensitive bud above my folds. An odd noise fills my ears, and it isn't until his purr strengthens that I realize the sound comes from my own throat.

Black pits of depravity suck me into fire, his visage forever engraved in my mind. The desire filling his expression hypnotizes me, calls my innermost self to the surface, revealing my biggest vulnerabilities and leaving me raw and exposed.

His lust morphs to fury as he lowers his hand, my legs tensing around his hips as he threads his fingers through my folds.

"You aren't wet enough. Where's your slick?"

The world darkens.

At first, I worry we've stolen the sun from the sky only for my alpha to snuff it out with his anger, but a foreign scent weaves into the already saturated air.

"Gric, stop!"

The masculine voice jerks my demon's glare away from my face. I follow his attention to the monster standing at the back of the transporter.

Large and covered in orange scales, the alpha points a strange weapon at the male touching me more intimately than anyone ever has.

I die a thousand deaths as I'm left sprawled on the floor like discarded garbage, my molester pushing away as though he's afraid of catching a disease.

"Shut up, Fek. She's broken anyway."

Unable to process his words or the sudden shift in my fate, I lie like a dead dog in the streets, unmoving and unblinking, staring up at the devil with no hope of salvation.

He turns his back on me and jumps out of the transporter, leaving me as though he didn't just break my soul into tiny shards. A long blue rope follows after him, coiled and lethal in its agitation.

His words hurt worse than learning my babu betrayed me. Worse than the pain I felt at the hands of my buyers. Worse than the agony of losing my family. Humiliation and confusion consume me until the only thing I have left to do is curl into a ball and pretend as though reality does not exist.

I am not sold. I am not ruined.

I am not fated to a demon.

Especially not one with a tail.

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