Chapter 12 - Gric

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The shell of the town remains but echoes of death and hardship bounce off the rocks. Nestled in a shallow valley between two smaller peaks, the abandoned village doesn't look promising.

Fek's voice fills my right eardrum.

"Found the well. Brackish water. First batch in the purifier."

I glance down at my lifemate, thankful she's no longer trying to escape the protection of my arms. No matter how much she longs to walk beside the youngling, I can't bring myself to set her down.

She's where she belongs. In my arms.

Her light brown orbs flick up at me before she focuses outward again. A few hours ago, her emotions beat against the tie between us, but now our bond lies mostly silent.

I stay alert as we weave between the decrepit huts, noting how the omegas' feet drag through the thin layer of sand.

There's no need to cover our tracks—the wind will erase every sign of our passage.

Lyc steps out from between two huts, pulling a shriek of alarm from the omega in front, but the crimson alpha merely gestures for us to enter a semi-solid hut to our right. I chuckle, the unamused expression on Lyc's face striking me as funny, but I sober as he glares at me.

We file in one at a time, the group gathering into a tight ball as far away from the door as they can. I stoop and crouch to avoid the top of the doorway, and immediately sit against the rounded wall to save myself from a crick in the neck. The low ceiling mocks me, but at least the sand no longer grates against our flesh.

Keziah's scent envelopes me and encourages my cock to pulse within its confines.

When I lean to the side to take something off my belt, she acts as though she means to stand. I wrap my arm tighter around her, grabbing the delectable mound of her breast before I can stop myself. Her nipple peaks against my palm, turning my snarl into a groan.

"Let me go to her."

I can't take my eyes off her plump lips.


Her rapid heartbeat thunders against my fingertips as they rest along her sternum.

"She needs me."

"I need you more."

Without my consent, my hips shift, grinding my turgid cock against her barely clad pussy.

She stops struggling. Stops moving. Stops breathing altogether.

Angry at myself for losing control, I sigh and gentle my hand on her breast, but can't bring myself to let her go.

"Breathe, little fierceling. I won't knot you here."


Yanking the capsule from my belt to give my other hand something to do besides molest her, I gentle my growl to a purr and stroke her arm instead of enjoying her curves.

"Yes, I promise."

At first, she looks skeptical, but after a few moments of searching my features and our bond, she nods in acceptance.

She doesn't fully believe me, but that's because she's wise.

I have no control when it comes to her.

Steil dips his head in through the door and tells the omegas about the water. They give relieved sighs before slowly helping each other to sit. Several have burst blisters on their feet, and everyone smells of sweat and fear, but the morale seems higher than a few moments ago.

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