Chapter 8 - Gric

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I want to fill my palms with the globes of her ass, their shape mesmerizing as she moves across the small space. Her limping gait pulls a scowl from me. I hate knowing someone else hurt her.

Yanking my gaze away from her delicious, slim frame takes effort, but I turn to Steil and force out a question.

"How much time do we have?"

The omegas keep their distance from me, my expression and harsh tone no doubt warning them of my instability. Add in the blood trailing from my multiple wounds and the rage simmering behind my breast, and I no doubt provide a terrifying sight.

"A few minutes. No vehicles in the area, but they know we're here."

The female sitting in front of him holds her head high despite the acrid stench of fear wafting from her. She flinches when he sprays her thigh but nods her thanks when he tells her he's finished.

"Are we stopping to transfer them to our vehicle?"

"Yes, once they're free of trackers."

Satisfied with the plan, I turn my senses to the back corner and watch as Keziah murmurs into the youngling's ear. With her arms wrapped around the girl's frame, she rocks back and forth in a motion so soothing I long to feel her give me such attention.

The younger omega returns the embrace for a long moment before pulling away and taking a brave step toward Fek. Keziah pivots and offers the next woman the same attention, her haunted expression flicking through relief as the lighter skinned female agrees to getting her tracker removed.

My instincts demand we move faster. I grit my teeth and hold in the profanities building in my mind. Meeting my omega's gaze, I snap an invisible line of urgency to her, surprised when she nods and gathers the last two females to her sides. A few words later and they stand together, walking as one toward me.

She leads them to within three feet of my bent knees before the two terrified humans refuse to move any further.

When Steil and Fek shift to stand, the females freeze in horror.

"No. Wait. Sit, please," Keziah begs.

My hackles rise, rage coloring my vision as my omega speaks so sweetly to other alphas.

Never have I wanted to tear my teammates limb from limb, but a few soft words from this human, and there's nothing I wouldn't do to ensure she offers me and only me those sweet morsels of temptation.

They sit.


All the blood in my body rushes to my shaft as her lush lips form my name.

"Take out their trackers."

I snatch a second extractor from Steil's outstretched palm and lean forward. In tandem, I press the first stage over their insertion sites, waiting the required time for the devices to numb the area and open the wound further. A lift, press of a button, and rotation later and the trackers clink into the extractor. Another button press and twist of my wrists and the spray numbs their wound while the trackers get crushed within the chamber.

I toss Steil his extractor before tucking mine back into my belt.

The transporter slows and jerks to a halt.

When I rise to my feet and reach for Keziah, she aims bottomless brown orbs at me and tightens her hold on the females on either side of her. My heart pauses at the fierceness in her depths.

"I will help them. Leave me be."

Incredulity fills me as she leads them to the side, intending to skirt around me.

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