Chapter 10 - Gric

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Awareness slowly seeps into me. Cold wafts across the side of my face as delicious heat squeezes my cock. My senses expand, the haze of fury and lust blowing away in the gentle breeze caressing my side.

The orange and purple hues of morning streak across the sky outside the shallow cave, illuminating the rich brown flesh of a delectable neck.

Panic jerks me into reality.

I groan as the tight heat wrapped around my cock compresses in response to my movement, Keziah's reflexes pulling another shot of electricity from the base of my spine. I spurt more cum into her already bloated womb, the bump of her stomach against my lower abdomen concerning.

My teeth still grind into her shoulder. Extracting them takes effort, my basal needs demanding I take and taste more of her, but I push the idea away and lick her wound.

Huge and grotesque, my bite mark spans across her shoulder. I lick every millimeter, offering her the healing power of my saliva and groaning at the delicious taste of her lifeblood.

My heart rejoices in the beauty of our united souls, yet self-hatred rises. I should have taken more care. She's so tiny and fragile.

Yet the memory of her slim body accepting my cock excites me. Another jet of cum leaves my tip, trapped within her womb by my knot.

I suck in a breath and frame her head with my arms.

The stone under my forearms shocks me. Without the sun heating it, the mountain turned frigid overnight.

With careful, slow movements, I wrap my arms around her, shift her leg so I don't crush it, and roll onto my back. She moans as my cock shifts in her, but she doesn't wake.

Her exhaustion echoes between us, the link in my chest throbbing with it.

I settle her on my chest, wishing I had taken my suit off so there were no clothes between us. Details of our joining fall into place, the high of rut fading and leaving me with shame.

Tucking her knees against my hips and lifting her torso, I grit my teeth and groan as the motions shift her glorious pussy around my cock. Once my shaft quits jerking within her flooded channel, I reach between us and open the vest of my suit. I lift my undershirt and lay her on my bare chest before wrapping my vest around her.

The chilled flesh of her back quickly warms inside our shared clothing. A terrible taste settles on my tongue, the sense of failure not something I'm accustomed to.

She should have a nest filled with the softest, fluffiest materials in the universe. Instead, I mated her in a sad excuse for a cave without a single blanket.

I long to watch her build a nest for us. The instinctual need rides me hard, filling me with yearning despite my knot locking us together.

How the hell am I going to make this okay?

Her arm twitches. I rumble out a purr, needing to comfort her.

As she rises from her exhaustion, her thoughts become jumbled and sad. I look down my chest in horror as wetness seeps from her closed eyes. Her tears paint my flesh as she cries in her sleep.

She didn't want this. Not only did she say so, but her soul throbs with the stain of her refusal.

I will make this right. The next time I knot her, she'll be fully ensconced in a nest built by her perfect hands, more pampered than any other omega in the galaxy.

The edge of desperation leaks out of her muscles as I continue my purr, easing her into wakefulness as gently as I can. Her fingers flex into my ribs as her toes curl against my thighs, but instead of showing more small signs of restlessness, she becomes stiller as the minutes tick by. I strengthen my purr, trying to mitigate the tense silence so at odd with the bundle of chaos wafting from her.

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