oscar isaac is ruining my life

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Here's part 19495892947 of me coming out as an Oscar isaac simp.

After watching moonknight, I realized the only other movies I've seen him in was The Nativity Story and Star Wars. So I wanted to expand and see his other projects.

I discovered Triple Frontier as people used gifs of him in moonknight fanfics to show Marc in his military days. And those gifs were DANGEROUS I tell ya.

So I tell myself "why not give the movie a shot. It also has Pedro Pascal (Oscar's space sister) let's watch it!"

Little did I know how much the other actors grew on me too and I just fell in love with the friendship these men portrayed and now I want to be part of the team.

Santiago, Frankie and Benny all have my heart and must be protected at all costs.


(For those who don't know the plot, basically they are creating this illegal heist to rob this big bad criminal who keeps his house as the safe in the walls.)

I was just carelessly packing my room, preparing to put it in storage while I got home for the holidays, when I find my cash in my piggy bank.

Out of nowhere I say:

"Okay Santi come get your money."

*puts a penny I found on the floor I'm the piggy bank*

"It's right here in my piggy bank."

*shakes piggy bank*

"Don't forget to bring Frankie and Ben with you."


Why am i like this!?

I am NOT well (mk reference hehe)

I'm talking like Kevin in Home Alone when he's like "I'm eating rubbish come out and pound me"

As if those characters would rob a young adult women of 5 dollars and a few cents who is broke!

Yet a girl can dream can she?

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

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