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Between THE DEVIL (Theo) and PUPPY (liam)

PUPPY: r u busy today and tmr?

THE DEVIL: no im not y?

PUPPY: can u drive me out of town?

THE DEVIL: thought u didnt need anyone to come with you and protect u or whatever

PUUPY: I don't want u to come to protect me I just need a ride

THE DEVIL: ugh ur so annoying y me?

PUPPY: because im not riding on that death ride scott has and stiles car is in the shop issac doesn't even have a car neither do the others

THE DEVIL: Lydia derek and mason have cars

PUPPY: im not that close with Lydia and derek scares the shit outta me

THE DEVIL: mason could still drive u

PUPPY: masons parents wont let him bc of who im visiting

THE DEVIL: alr well good luck finding some other way to get where u need to go bc im not driving u

PUPPY: please Theo! i will literally do anything just please drive me! its not like im asking for you to cut a limb off!

THE DEVIL: might as well the answer is still no

PUPPY: theooo please! i will literally pay for gas ill buy u food ill pay for the whole of the hotel whatever u want ill buy it just cmon

THE DEVIL: temping very very tempting but still no

PUPPY: omfg pleaseee! what will persuade u to drive me?

THE DEVIL: nothing

PUPPY: there has to be something!

THE DEVIL: fine u need to buy me food for a month and..

THE DEVIL: let me stay at ur house for a bit?

PUPPY: thats all?


PUPPY: alr deal

PUPPY: that was easy

THE DEVIL: im hungry kinda feeling like something really fancy and expensive

PUPPY: i hate u

THE DEVIL: a deal is a deal

PUPPY: fineee but i don't have that much money atm

THE DEVIL: its fine ill come pick u up

PUPPY: kay

PUPPY has changed THE DEVIL name to UBER DRIVER

UBER DRIVER has changed PUPPY name to SUPPLIER

SUPPLIER: u make me sound like a drug dealer


between GAY FRIEND (Mason) and BI FFRIEND (liam)

GAY FRIEND: i rly don't think u should be going to see him

BI FRIEND: idc mas i want to see him

GAY FRIEND: did u forget what he did to u?

BI FRIEND: no i didnt but i still need to see him hes my father

GAY FRIEND: he abused the shit out of u and ur mom and hes a murderer

BI FRIEND: hes sick and hes not gonna make it long so i wanted to see him one last time

GAY FRIEND: fine i get that but i still don't think u should be going alone

BI FRIEND: im not going alone theos giving me a ride

GAY FRIEND: ohh? hes willingly going with you? 👀


GAY FRIEND: why arnt u exited u get to spend a whole ass day with him! u get to spend so many hours alonneeee with him 😏

BI FRIEND: it wont be like that and IM SO BLOODY EXITEDDD im just tryna be chill

GAY FRIEND: you think youll confess ur undying love for him?

BI FRIEND: hell no! he hatesss me man but i think we might become closer


BI FRIEND: not like that! i mean as like friends


BI FRIEND: ikr ;-; anyway i gtg theos picking me up and were gonna go get food

GAY FRIEND: ooooo!! get some lover boyy!


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