Part Two

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"Hazel, no. I absolutely hate all of these outfits." Riri groaned, throwing herself against the bed.

We have literally been sitting her for the past 3 hours looking for an outfit.

"Ri, I have to leave in like 2 hours so we're gonna have to figure something out & figure it out fast." I rolled my eyes, throwing two more outfits onto my now mess of a bed.

"Okay, you know what. Just do the black jumpsuit because if I have to watch you try on one more outfit. I'm going to scream."

"Thanks bestie, you can go now" I smiled, grabbing her suggestion and heading to the bathroom to jump in the shower.

I threw my hair into a low bun letting a couple of curls fall on my face. I went for a more natural look on my makeup just to make sure I would make it to the restaurant on time.

I slid on a pair of black heels and grabbed my purse, walking into the living room.

"Damnnnnn," I heard Riri say from across the room. "You look good!"

"Always" I smiled, "Shouldn't you be dressed for your dinner date with Shuri?"

"Because I'm such an amazing friend and was helping you pick out your outfit, I actually didn't have time to find one. So we're just gonna stay in tonight and go out whenever you can grace us with your presence."

"Awe, you are an amazing friend. Maybe I'll make time for you one of these days" I responded flipping imaginary hair over my shoulder.

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes laughing, "Be safe and if he makes you feel even the slightest bit uncomfortable, you know the code word"

"Yes mother, I got it" I replied heading out the door.

•      •      •

I made sure to tiptoe as I walked back into our apartment. It was 1 in the morning and I didn't want to wake anyone.

"Riri please" I heard Shuri through Riri's bedroom door.

Guess I actually won't be waking anyone. I walked slowly towards the door to eavesdrop. The doors were obviously thin enough for me to.

"Shuri no" I heard Riri respond as I pressed my ear to the door.


"Hazel is my best friend and I love you like family but you don't have the best track record"

Ooou, they're talking about me. But why...

"And what is that suppose to mean"

"It means, I'm not hooking you up with Hazel. End of discussion"

I felt myself fly forward causing me to stumble into the room as the door flew open.

I swear every moment of my life is an embarrassing one.

"Oh heyy.." I said as if I wasn't just standing there with my ear pressed against the door.

"What were you doing?" Riri asked looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"I was just um..." The um that usually leads to a lie "I was just coming to see if you were awake" I smiled awkwardly.

Shuri was leaning against the wooden desk holding in her laughter.

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