Part Twenty Four

801 28 10

| Hazel |

I sighed as I stared down at the piece of paper filled with the different math problems. I had been sitting here, at my desk, for the past 3 hours trying to figure out how to get the correct answers to the questions.

Unfortunately, Winter break had come to an end and the start of another semester had began. I figured since I was no longer taking the trip to Wakanda with Shuri, it would probably be smart of me to not take a semester off.

A knock on my bedroom door shifted my attention from the paper in front of me that was now giving me a headache.

Finally. A distraction.

"Come in." I mumbled, throwing the pencil down on the desk in frustration.

"Hey- When did you start wearing glasses?" Shuri asked, referring to the frames that sat on my face, as she entered my room.

"I'm a little blind. Shut up."

I could tell from the smile that was growing on her face that she wanted to laugh at how goofy I looked.

"You look good." She smirked, staring at me.

"May I help you?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"You've been stuck in here all day. I thought maybe you wanted a break?" She suggested, walking over to me and sitting on the corner of my desk.

"Nope. I want to get this over with so I can enjoy my weekend." I sighed, picking the paper up from my desk and looking over it again.

"How about..." She started, snatching the paper from my hands. "You take a break and I'll help you later."

"You don't know how to do calculus."

"Hm. I know that the answer to question 3 is -2/3"

I looked up at my computer screen which displayed all of the correct answers to see that she was actually right.

I was offended that I had been trying to figure out the answer for the past 20 minutes and she just walks in and answers it. Sometimes I forget how smart she really is.

"You didn't even work it out, how'd you know that?"

"I'll show you. Once you take a break." She gave me another smirk, still holding the paper in her hand.

"Fine." I mumbled, removing the glasses from my face and getting up from the desk. "Let's go." I demanded, walking out of the room and into the kitchen with her following behind me.

"What were you doing?"

"Nothing, that's why I decided to come bother you." She gave me a big smile like a little kid.

I rolled my eyes, walking over to the freezer.

"I really miss the taste of ice cream, want some?" I asked, pulling the tub of ice cream out of the freezer.

"I'd rather have something else that I miss the taste of." She responded, running her tongue through her lips.

"Hm, I'm pretty sure that's not an appropriate thing to say to a friend." I reminded her.

I had to remind her pretty frequently on our being just friends agreement. Every since our conversation she had become more flirtatious. I knew it was just her way of trying to make me change my mind.

"Hm, I don't recall being the one to suggest being just friends" She responded in a sarcastic tone.

I ignored her, scooping some ice cream into a bowl and hopping on the countertop.

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