Part Eighteen

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| Hazel |

I walked into the apartment, letting out a sigh of relief after seeing there was no one in the common areas. I decided to come back this morning, feeling like most of my anger had resolved.

I went into my room, throwing all of my things on the floor and flopping down onto my bed.

The gift sitting on the edge of my desk caught my attention, making me get back up. I grabbed the gift and walked to the other side of the apartment, stopping in front of Shuri's door.

I knocked quietly, secretly hoping she wasn't in there or wouldn't hear me.

"Come in" Her voice rang through the door.

"Hi." I smiled, popping my head into her room.

A big smile spread across her face as she walked over to the door.

"Hey, come in. How are you?" She asked, pulling the door open.

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Great now that you're here."

"Shut up" I laughed.

"How was your Christmas?"

"Interesting." I responded thinking back to me and my moms conversation. "Speaking of Christmas. Here." I handed her a little gift box wrapped with purple wrapping paper and a black bow.

"Ooou, what is it?" She asked, shaking the box.

"Open it and find out genius." I rolled my eyes.

She laughed, unwrapping the gift and opening the shiny gold box.

"I feel like you should wear something other than your beads all of the time." I laughed, watching a smile spread across her face.

It was a custom made charm bracelet with little black panthers and gold and purple flowers dangling from it.

"I love it." She smiled, taking the bracelet out of the box. "Thank you." She pulled me into her, wrapping her arms around me and squeezing me.

"You're welcome."

"Okay my turn" She announced excitedly, walking over to the closet and pulling out a red gift box and handing it to me as I sat down on the bed.

I opened the box, revealing a black beanie with my name engraved in cursive at the front. It matched the jacket that she had told me that I could keep.

"Awe" I smiled, throwing the beanie on my head.

"There's more." She laughed.

I removed some more of the wrapping paper to see a purple bracelet that looked like a digital watch, but wasn't.

"What is it?" I asked, taking it out.

"A bracelet." She responded in a duh tone. "Here" She took the bracelet out of my hand and wrapped it around my wrist. "It's for when I leave. Whenever you miss me or think about me, you can just tap the bracelet and it lets me know." She smiled pulling up her sleeve, revealing an identical bracelet on her wrist.

"See" She tapped her bracelet, making mine glow up and vibrate immediately.

"That's so sweet." I responded in awe.

I think it was the first time I had received something so sentimental from someone. My smile faded as the thought of her leaving took over my mind, making me frown.

"Don't worry, you won't have to use it for a while." She gave me a small smile, noticing my expression change.

"Thank you"

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