Part Twenty Eight

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| Hazel |

Somehow I found myself on a second date with KJ. I felt like I needed to give it another chance and see if we actually had some chemistry.

We had just finished walking through the aquarium, hand in hand inspecting each animal in our path.

We actually talked and laughed and got to know each other this time. I was a little mad at myself for not doing this the first time around.

We had a lot more in common than I thought and he was such a gentleman, and the best part of all, Shuri hasn't crossed my mind once.

"Thanks for giving me another chance." He said as we pulled back into my complex.

"Of course. I really did have a good time." I smiled, finally being honest with myself and him.

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before exiting the car.

The smile remained on my face as I made my way up the elevator and into the apartment.

Riri was away for the weekend and I was hoping Shuri was busy doing something.

I closed the door quietly behind me, letting out a sigh the moment I saw her standing the kitchen.

"How was the date?" Shuri asked, turning around.

"How'd you know I was on a date?"

"Lucky guess." She shrugged.

"Hm." I hummed, taking a seat. "It was good." I smiled.

"That's good." She said giving me a small smile. "Tell me about it."

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "You don't wanna hear about it."

"Oh, but I do." She said, propping herself up on the counter in front of me. "Come on, don't be weird."



"Fine," I sighed. "It was a lot better than the last one. We went to the aquarium and we bonded. He's great. The end."

"So he's gonna be like your boyfriend now?" She asked, playing with the beads on her wrist.

"No," I laughed, "We're just going with the flow."

She nodded, looking back up at me. "I'm happy for you."

She didn't seem as disappointed as she did after our first date, Im guessing she had finally accepted us just being friends.

"Thanks." I gave her a smile. "So what were you doing?"

"Attempting to make popcorn and failing." She laughed, throwing the bag of burnt popcorn in my direction.

"Oh my goodness." I laughed, picking up the bag.

She most definitely failed. Every piece of popcorn was burnt and hard. I didn't even notice that the smell had filled up the whole apartment.

"Okay, so from now on, just call me or Riri." I laughed, getting up and grabbing another bag from the pantry. "Why are you making popcorn anyway?"

"I wanted to try it." She said giving me an innocent shrug.

"I literally have to teach you everything."

"Oh, yeah." She responded sarcastically rolling her eyes.

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