Part Fourteen

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| Hazel |

I was sprawled out on the couch beside Riri, flipping through the channels when Mallory came bursting through the front door.

"I'm so glad we have a doorbell" Riri said sarcastically as Mallory made her way over to us, sitting on the coffee table in front of us.

"Okay, so here's the information I found out about Bria." Mallory started.

"Oh. We're still on this?" I sighed, sitting up.

"Apparently, the girl who Bria was with is an ex. Well kind of. They've been off and on for the past two years."

"Who asked for this information?" I interrupted, confused.

"Sh. There's more. Shuri was originally just a part of a plan to make the ex jealous, but Bria caught feelings for her."

"Who gave you this information." I interrupted again, still confused.

"I'll never reveal my source." She continued, "Supposedly, Bria and the ex are back together now but Bria still wants to keep Shuri around because ,as I just stated, she caught feelings." She said, finally wrapping it up.

I looked at Riri, whose head was nodding after every sentence of this very detailed explanation.

"Interesting" She responded.

"I'm so confused." I sighed.

"That's because you kept interrupting while I was explaining." She said, causing Riri to nod in agreement, making me roll my eyes.

"Okay so how are we going to tell Shuri?" Riri asked, looking at me.

"Wait, who is we? I'm staying out of this." I responded causing Riri to smack her teeth. "If I say something, I'll look jealous."

"That's true" Mallory agreed, "Also, Andre is going around telling people you two had sex."

The sound of his name made my whole body tense up.

"He's doing what?!" Riri yelled. "Now I have to beat two peoples ass?!"

My mind immediately went back to that night causing my heart to beat uncontrollably. I felt my whole body getting hotter as I started to shake. I knew I was breathing but it felt like I couldn't. I couldn't speak or move.

"Are you okay?" Riri asked, noticing me struggle to get air out.

"Hazel.." Riri jumped out from her seat, sitting down in front of me. "Hey.. Look at me" She demanded, as I tried my best to gain control over my body.

"Breathe..." She commanded, holding my hands as I took a deep breath in. "and out..."

I continued to follow her commands until I was taking slow, even breaths. My heartbeat slowed down and I wasn't shaking anymore.

"You okay?" She asked, still sitting in front of me holding my hands.

I nodded, using my hand to fan myself in hopes of cooling down a little bit.

"What just happened?" She asked in a soft tone.

"I don't know.." My words came out raspy. "I'm fine.."

"You sure?" She asked, standing up and taking a seat beside me.


•      •      •

Shuri's few weeks of being home were up and Riri decided we should have a game night to welcome her back.

She also came to the conclusion that we should invite Bria so it wouldn't look suspicious and since her and Shuri were basically a thing... for now.

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