Part Sixteen

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| Hazel |

"Oh my gosh, I wish you two would hurry up." I groaned as Riri and Mallory dragged me around the store, shopping for last minute Christmas gifts.

The amount of people in these stores on Christmas Eve was ridiculous and being around them made me feel claustrophobic.

"Did you get Shuri something?" Riri asked

"I did."

"Awe" Her and Mallory cooed together.

"What'd ya get?" Riri asked.

"Please stop." I laughed. "You'll see tomorrow." I smiled, proud of what I had picked out for her.

"So wait, are you guys going to like become a thing orrr just have sex occasionally." Riri asked, looking through the unfolded pile of clothes.

"I actually don't know."

"You don't know? Do you like this?" She asked, holding a shirt up.

"We haven't really talked about it. It's cute, but it's not giving Shuri."

"Who said this was for Shuri, I'm shopping for me." She laughed.

"Has she said anything to you?" I asked, hoping she had some kind of information to give me.

"Maybe" She shrugged, "but you guys need to have your own conversation."

"Riri" I whined, stomping my feet like a child.

"Not gonna work. Just talk to her." She rolled her eyes, returning to the pile of clothes. "Are we still on for our Christmas Eve tradition or are you going to be too busy riding Shuri's face?"

My mouth fell open as the last question left her mouth.

"Please shut up." I laughed. "Of course we're on for our tradition."

Every Christmas Eve we would make hot chocolate, watch Christmas movies, and bake cookies for "Santa" or whoever made it to the kitchen to eat them all first.

"Okay. I think I'm done." Mallory announced, making me sigh in relief.

"Thank God. Let's go." I grabbed both of them, pulling them through the crowded store to the register before they could think of something else that they needed.

Somehow they ended up dragging me through 3 more stores before we were able to go home.

"Finally" I sighed, dropping myself onto the couch. "Home." I rubbed on the couch like I had been away from it for years.

"I wanna join you guys for your Christmas tradition." Mallory whined.

"Noooo" I responded playfully.

"You know you're actually a lot ruder when you're having sex than you were when you weren't." She replied, making me and Riri laugh. "Tell Shuri to do better."

"Oh she's doing great." I sat up, winking at her.

"Disgusting." She responded, gagging.

"Sure you can join us." Riri answered, still laughing at our conversation.

I smiled as Shuri appeared through the front door, immediately walking over to me.

I hopped off of the couch, bringing her into a hug.

"Hi." I smiled, placing a kiss on her lips.

"Aweeee" Riri and Mallory cooed in unison yet again.

"Riri why can't you find me someone like that." Mallory asked.

"I actually can't take credit for that."

"Please shut up." I mumbled. "I'm gonna go take a shower." I announced, breaking myself from Shuri's grip.

"Need some help?" She asked, smirking at me.

"Oooou" They sang, smiling at us.

"Please. Shut up." I repeated, laughing. "I think I'll be okay." I smiled, walking into my room.

I took a quick shower, throwing on a matching tank top and shorts with gingerbread men all over them. I stood in my doorway, throwing my hair into a quick bun.

"So does she know about you and Shuri?" I heard Mallory whisper.

"What? How do you even know?" Riri responded.

"I can read the room. and you just told me." She laughed.

"It was a one time thing when we first met but she's like family to me now. Now shut up because no she doesn't."

"No, keep talking please. I'd love to hear about this thing." I walked out of the room with my arms crossed over my chest.

Riri looked at me with a sincere look on her face. "Thanks Mallory" She mumbled. "It was honestly nothing."

"Oh I'm sure it was something." I laughed in disbelief "and absolutely no one thought to tell me about this?"

"Because it wasn't actually a thing. Well it was, but more of a one time thing and so long ago." Riri shrugged.

"What the fuck.." I couldn't stop laughing, but it wasn't a laugh from being humored, it was more from anger. "Did you even have plans on telling me?"

"Actually... I think I'll think I'll join you guys for next years Christmas tradition." Mallory whispered, before tiptoeing out the door.

"There was nothing to tell Hazel." Riri sighed.

"Apparently there was, that's why you didn't say anything." I spat.

A confused Shuri walked out of the room, trying to figure out what was going on.

"How did I not realize.." I mumbled to myself. "That's how you knew we had sex. She had that same "goofy smile" when you guys had sex too." I scoffed.

"It's not even that serious."

"To you! I don't want your leftovers Riri!"

"You're not listening..."

I stood there, waiting for her to find a reasonable explanation.

"You guys were obviously interested in each other and we're not. What we had was so minor there was no point in ruining it for you."

"You don't make that decision for me! She doesn't make that decision for me! I make my own damn decisions! I don't need you to protect me by lying to me. You're suppose to be my best friend." My voice started to get louder, as I became more angry.

"You're right..." She sighed, "Im sorry...."

"Fuck you." I muttered, stomping out of the room and back into mine, making sure to slam the door behind me.

I grabbed a suitcase, throwing any and everything that I could into it. My whole body was shaking as the heat in my chest grew bigger.

"Fuck!" I yelled, throwing the suitcase and everything that was in it onto the ground.

I felt so disgusted with myself as the thought of them together ran through my mind over and over. I couldn't believe Riri would betray me like that.

I couldn't believe she didn't tell me...

•      •      •

Just wanted to take another moment to tell y'all I appreciate y'all! ♥️ I know it's a shorter chapter than usual but I decided I wanted to spice it up a little so here we are. Also, one of my favorite writers added my story to their reading list & Im still fangirling over it. S/O to you girl 🥺🫶🏽

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