TBBFL 14: Iced Worms

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"Chancer, it's not what it looks like." Zion was the first one to break the deafening silence. I could feel the nervousness laced in his voice as he spoke.

I tried to keep my face blank, but I couldn't help but let a mischievous smirk mar my façade. Mike had seen it before and he seemed to know what I had in mind. He knew me too well. He knew what my signature smirk meant. He had witnessed many times what happened whenever I had it on my face.

I looked at Chancer, and his blue eyes were filled with disbelief and betrayal as he stood at the foot of the stairs. What had just happened had probably shocked him quite a bit.

I didn't blame him for reacting this way. If I had seen Bianca on top of him, it would have definitely resulted in an explosion that caused even volcanoes to feel insecure. But I supposed what Chancer had seen would have a stronger effect on him since he loved acting like a caveman and all. Seeing two of his friends on top of me undoubtedly felt like a stab in the back to him. I couldn't even imagine what he was feeling right now.

In much the same way as he had attacked Mike earlier, Chancer now lunged at his other friends, this time more furious than ever. I stood up and walked out of the living room, not wanting to be part of their fight. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be ending soon and I was not going to bore myself by watching them.

For the mean time, I went to the kitchen to grab breakfast. When I entered, a young female cook saw me and hurriedly placed a plate of food on the table. I opened my mouth to ask her a question, but she walked out of the kitchen before I could ask it. What was that about?

I shrugged and chose to let it go. I just sat on a kitchen stool and ate the breakfast she had served me.

As I was eating, I observed the place. It hadn't changed. It still had the same view as it had the last time I was here—same gigantic kitchen with illuminating stones embedded in the gray walls.

I remembered how on Valentine's Day a few years ago, Chancer and I had baked cookies together in this same room. Actually, we didn't just bake. It was embarrassing to admit, but this kitchen had witnessed lots of hot encounters between me and Chancer.

No, I was not talking about sex. We had never had sex, just steamy make-out sessions. There had been lots of instances when we almost got caught by a curious Mike. He had probably wondered why it was noisy in the kitchen, thanks to this big mouth of mine, so he kept on checking but he always left the room with a confused look after seeing nothing odd. Chancer had instincts like an animal— he knew whenever we had to stop the hardcore workout of our mouths. His words, not mine.

But I could say without hesitation that Chancer was a good kisser. A very, very good one.

A warm feeling exploded inside my chest as I thought back to the memories we had created in this very room. Now that Chancer was back, would we repeat the things we had done before he had left? Would we ever experience those memories again?

My heart had already decided to forgive him and let itself be taken once again by the man who had broken it, but my mind was still confused. It didn't know if it was healthy for me to let Chancer occupy my every thought and dream like he had before. But the real question was— could I handle another insanity?

I sighed and erased all my thoughts. I was afraid I would turn into a crazy Miley Cyrus if I kept on thinking about this.

As I was about to take another bite of my toast, it was snatched away from me. I groaned and looked upwards, only to see Mike glaring at me.

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