🌸 Wandering Minds 🍂

487 11 125

CW: mentioning of bullying and slurs (f slur)

kinda angst? it's not all angst though !!


Highschool AU

Characters in this oneshot chapter:



Small chapter summary:

A (mostly) regular day at school for Kel and Sunny <3


Third Person POV

Sunny and Kel were walking to school together. Kel talking as Sunny was listening, like always.

Sunny smiled. It wasn't a wide smile, but it was definitely noticable. He was happy to be walking with Kel. Kel was pretty distracted so he didn't notice Sunny's smile right away, but when he did, it made his smile wider.

Kel never pointed out Sunny's smile when he did see it. Out of respect for Sunny.

Eventually they got to school and walked to both of their lockers together getting their things for first and second period.

As Kel closed his locker he enthusiastically blurted out, "Bye Sunny! I'll see you in second period!"

Sunny nodded in response and they both went their separate ways.

Sunny's POV

First period is literally the worst. I don't even have any friends in that class. I almost fall asleep during every lesson because everyone hates Health class.

My mind ends up wandering to thinking about Kel and what he's learning in Spanish. I smile a bit thinking about it. It's pretty amusing because Kel and Hero both know Spanish already because of their families. The only reason Kel is taking Spanish and not another language class is because he assumed it would be easier than learning a whole new language.

From what I heard though it's kind of backfiring on him. He's bored every class. It's pretty funny to me personally.

Third Person POV

Sunny ended up thinking about Kel for the rest of the class period.

what a goofy goober

Kel's POV

Ahhh I should not have chosen Spanish as my elective. I regret it so much..I am SO BOREDDDDD

I wonder what Sunny is doing in Health right now. Probably not anything fun. Health class is the worst..they make you look at......things you don't wanna look at...........

Poor Sunny...................

I can't wait for lunch time! Sunny and I will be able to sit in the guarden together!! There's a patio-like area in the guarden and Sunny draws while I talk to him about my day so far! We always share our lunches together as well. It's so much fun!

Third Person POV

Kel thought about the Orange Joe in his lunchbox for the rest of the period (and Sunny ig..........)

Time skip to Lunch

The lunch bell finally rang and every student raced out of their classrooms to get to their lockers, including Sunny and Kel. They both went to their lockers separately and then met up to walk to their spot together.

They sat in their usual spot in the patio-like area in the garden with their lunchboxes and Sunny's sketchbook.

"Ahhh I'm so excited to eat my sandwich!!!" Kel exclaimed. He looked at Sunny and asked him, "Do you want part of my sandwich? It's super good!!!!"

Sunny thought about it for a second before shaking his head yes. When Kel hands him the piece that was ripped off he mumbles a "....Thank you.."

Kel tells Sunny it's no problem as he goes back to eating his lunch. However, while they were eating Kel could tell Sunny was acting strange. He was eating less than he normally did and looked kinda down.

Kel turns his body to face Sunny and slouches a little.

Sunny gives him a look. He looks back and forth and blurts out a ".....What..?" with a slight blush to his face.

Kel crosses his arms. "Something's wrong and I want you to tell me what it is." He puffs up his cheeks while saying.

Sunny looks at the ground and says "I-It's...nothing...........don't..worry about it....."

Kel's expression turns more serious "It's not nothing..I can tell it's really bothering you. You aren't even sketching in your notebook." He looked worried.

Sunny glanced up to him and then looked back at the ground. He mumbled something but it was too quiet for Kel to hear.

"Um..Sunny you said that a bit too quietly...I couldn't really hear what you said." He let out a worried laugh.

"....They..They called me a faggot..."

Kel's eyes widened.

"Who?!" He put his hand gently on Sunny's shoulder.

"....The kids in..my third period...." Tears started welling up in Sunny's eyes.

Kel pulled Sunny in for a hug. "I'm sorry they said those things to you. It.. wasn't right of them.." He felt Sunny's hands on his back. They stayed like that for about a minute. Eventually they let go of each other.

As they looked at each other Kel used his thumbs to wipe away the slightly stained tears on Sunny's face. Kel smiled at him. "You wanna know something? We can make fun of them all we want and they can't do anything about it. You should draw one of them with clown makeup!"

Sunny let out a slight snort ".....I guess.."

"You guess?! Watch this!!" Kel snatches Sunny's sketchbook from the bench and proceeds to draw multiple students with clown makeup, like a class picture, and showed Sunny his masterpiece. He gave everyone a new name and everything and brought out the super ugly parts of their faces (aka their entire face).

Sunny laughed a bit at the drawing. To get him to laugh more, Kel started doing impressions of them to make fun of them. Kel even came up with impressions of their friends making fun of them.

They had a good rest of their lunch.



should i make sunny talk more

it would be kinda weird but i have some ideas but it'll cause sunny needing to talk more

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