Chapter 8

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Kieran comes to a stop just inches from the boundary line.

There's nothing visible, just more of the same gravel path. But it's there, he can feel it.

For nearly his whole life, taking the next step was illegal, an offence, and would have seen him exiled or worse. He shakes his head, a small smile on his lips as he notes that even now, when things are so different, he is still resistant to take that final step. To cross the boundary.

He takes a deep breath and pats his shoulder, feeling the rucksack strap that lays there.

He forces himself to take the step. The change is subtle, but he can feel it. It's almost uncomfortable, foreign, but not wholly unpleasant.

He continues to walk down the trail, noting how quickly the geography around him changes. Solid, familiar ground, rich with mineral deposits, transitions into something softer. Walls of green loom ahead, soaring higher than any tree they have in Ironhill and even the very air he breathes smells fresher, cleaner somehow?

Very soon he finds himself at a well-used check point, surrounded by Bluewood patrolmen. It's nothing more than a little wooden cabin, but its placement is purposeful.

"Please state your name?" A tall, well built man asks, stepping forwards. His voice is gruff, his face weatherbeaten, as though he lives and breathes this job.

"Kieran Lee, Beta of Ironhill." Kieran states, watching the guard consult his clipboard for a moment before nodding.

"Welcome, Mr Lee, to Bluewood." He says.

He steps aside and sweeps his arm backward, allowing Kieran to pass.

It's a very pleasant walk from there, the path neat and well kept; perfectly navigating the fine line between civilisation and the wild, and it is indeed lined with some of the biggest trees Kieran has ever seen in his life. Orion would love it. He wonders idly if Orion has ever even stepped foot on Bluewood soil.

He doubts it. The rare meetings the packs had were held on neutral ground, so as to avoid things getting ugly. He's reluctant to admit it, but Bluewood territory is beautiful, far more so than Ironhill, and it seems Dylan has taken pains to keep it that way.

Kieran spares a moment to think about Dylan, to wonder what kind of man he is. He's heard the stories that circulated in Ironhill when he was sworn in as Alpha, but most of it was hateful gossip and rumour.

He finds himself intrigued to formulate his own opinion of the man.

His feet bring him to the edge of the small community and he smiles at the picturesque village. Cottages are set up in rows that form neat little streets, quaint local businesses are already bustling and it seems everyone has something to keep them occupied. He passes along a small, well kept brick road towards the centre of the town. Painted flower pots, full of seasonal flowers line the walls of the buildings. A fountain lies in the centre of the square, trickling gently as children mill around, soaking up the summer sun while it lasts.

It's all a little surreal.

"Can I help you?" A voice asks and Kieran looks around gratefully.

A woman of about forty is stood beside him, smiling at him with a politely interested expression. She's wearing a floral dress, her dark blonde hair resting neatly on her shoulders and little round spectacles framing lovely green eyes.

She looks surprised for a moment, before a trace of hesitation enters her face.

"Beta Lee." She murmurs suddenly, bowing her head.

Kieran is a little surprised she recognises him.

"I'm here to meet with Beta Kent." He says reassuringly.

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