Chapter 20

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Dylan looks up, startled when he spots his best friend.

Orion stumbles down the riverbank, one arm clutching his side as the other clings to a nearby tree. His posture is hunched and his face tightens into a painful wince every time he so much as breathes.

His cheek bone is bruised, growing a darker shade of purple with every second. His lip is busted and there's a small gash over his forehead. He can feel his own blood, sticky and wet, caught in his eyebrow, but it's nothing compared to the sharp, shooting pain of his ribs.

"Orion! What the hell!" Dylan shouts, standing up as he plunges into the river.

He's just about to step foot onto Ironhill territory when Orion holds up a hand.

"Don't, Dylan." He says, his voice so forceful that it stops the younger boy in his tracks.

Orion crosses into Bluewood territory all the time. The fact has become normal and mundane, but Dylan has never crossed into Ironhill. They both know why, and the idea fills Orion with so much dread that he fears he'll puke. His hand, which was trembling, holds firm in the stillness of the moment.

They're silent, neither boy moving until the thick tension in the air has passed.

"You actually listened." Orion breathes at last, surprise colouring his tone. Dylan rolls his eyes.

"What the fuck happened?" He asks, watching Orion's expression scrunch.

Dylan laughs disbelievingly.

"Really? Now?" Dylan asks and Orion shrugs, immediately regretting it.

"You know I hate it when you swear." Orion mutters.

Dylan's too pretty to swear. Orion's thought so for...well, for a long time now.

"Fuck you." Dylan says candidly, but his expression shows only concern for his friend, who remains just out of reach. Orion huffs.

"Now you're just doing it to spite me." He mutters. Dylan smiles weakly and Orion grins.

He winces once more at the uncomfortable stretch of his torn lip, gingerly easing his way down the slope. As soon as he is close enough, Dylan reaches out.

Orion hesitates for a moment. The river has always been neutral ground for them, despite the fact that technically, it's Bluewood property. More so than this, it has always been safe. This had been his destination.

And here he is. The adrenaline in his body has completely evaporated and as he looks at Dylan's open arms, he chokes on a sob. Safe.

Orion falls into Dylan's embrace, his strength failing him as the tears that he had repressed in front of his pack finally fall.

Orion's chest shakes in Dylan's arms, and despite the fact the Orion is far broader than Dylan, he's never seemed so small. Dylan's arms wrap around Orion's frame tightly, cradling him close as sobs continue to wrack through him.

"Ry..." Dylan begins, but he quickly decides against it.

Instead he holds his friend, stroking his head and telling him that he'll be ok until finally, Orion believes it.

When Orion stills in his arms, Dylan reluctantly pulls away, looking at his friends face.

They sit opposite each other, submerged in the shallows of the river, Orion remaining very still as Dylan dabs his wounds clean with his damp shirt.

"Your mum's going to have a fit." Orion says, eyeing his best friend's white shirt.

Dylan had recounted many, animated tales of his mother's reaction to his torn, muddy shorts and grass stained trainers. Hence why he was very often sent out like a wild boy, sans shoes. His mother had decided that it was cheaper, and frankly easier.

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