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The sun is making its descent into the sky by the time the Alpha of Bluewood pack is done for the day. It's been a long, hard day and his body is heavy with exhaustion. It always is, these days.

The packs hadn't merged in the end.

Maybe one day, they will, and the land that has been separated by two families for generations will unite once and for all, but today is not that day. The Alpha's of Bluewood and Ironhill had always faced an uphill battle, but ultimately, this was one battle they just weren't going to win. There was too much ingrown distrust. Too much pride. Too much prejudice, well versed and ingrained into every fairy story, every inch of history.

The packs get on better these days though. There is no more fighting, no fresh animosity, and Dylan likes to think that he has something to do with it. Orion and Dylan had chosen to put their people first, as they had vowed to do all those years ago, and the people have thrived as a result. Perhaps, one day, the children of Bluewood and Ironhill would be able to take that next step, the one that they had tried to, and they would be successful.

His shoulders ache, but he feels good nonetheless, and the small smile that plays on his lips is genuine.

But the grin that pulls the dimple from his cheek comes from what lies ahead.

He walks his way down an old, familiar dirt path that he's trodden a thousand times before.

The trail is still just as narrow, but the small gap between the foliage has been widened, showing the slow, trickling stream, and the small cottage that stands beside it.

Here, at the edge of Bluewood territory, stands the Alpha's home. A strange place for an Alpha to shack up, until you spot the cottage that stands on the other side of the river. Near identical in shape and size, it stands like a mirror image in the reflection of the gently babbling river.

Dylan walks towards his home, smiling when he spots a warm glow in the window of the house opposite.

His mate senses him before he can smell him, just as he always does, and Dylan watches as the front door to the house across the stream opens.

Orion steps out, his shoulders looking just as heavy as Dylan's feel, but even the mere sight of Orion makes him feel light and renewed. He watches as his mate feels it too, brightening with every step that he takes.

Dylan watches as Orion kicks off his shoes haphazardly.

His own feet are bare. Some habits die hard.

They meet halfway, as they always did, their feet submerged in the lukewarm water of a stream on a late summers day. They draw closer, coming together, as they always did, until they're just a moment apart.

Orion's hand ghosts over his mate's cheek, his eyes full and aglow with liquid adoration.

Their lips press together naturally, their bodies drawing together as they find solace in one another. As they pull apart, Dylan beams. He found his bliss nearly twenty years ago, in this very spot, with this man, and he finds it again and again.

"Your place or mine?" 



That's a WRAP.

I really hope you guys enjoyed the story, and if you want to check out more of my work, please head over to my account. New story is literally dropping today, so follow for updates :)

Have a great day, see you on the flip side.


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