Chapter 26

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'Are you sure about this?'

Kieran's eyes narrow, his eyes scanning the note that his soulmate had scrawled, before brightening in understanding.

"Yeah, absolutely. It'll work like a charm." He says easily.

Sam purses his lips, extremely dubious of this, frankly, horrible plan. Ever since the concert, which had been a resounding success for both packs, Sam had been trying to come up with a way to allow Dylan some happiness.

Naturally he had roped in Kieran to help...but he's beginning to wonder if that had been a mistake. This plan, the one his mate had conjured up, is near certain to fail. Sam bites his lip painfully, wondering if it might just do more harm than good.

But he doesn't have any better ideas, and he's not wholly against the idea of trying to get Orion to drop his pride and accept Dylan. Plus, it'll mean that he'll get to see more of Kieran.

He mentally scolds himself, trying to realign his priorities.

But he's only human, metaphorically speaking, and Kieran makes him happier than he'd ever known possible. So surely, trying to help Dylan isn't entirely selfish. He just wants his Alpha to be happy too.

But he remembers the mural. That awful, manipulative side to Orion that haunts Sam's memory, and he shudders.

He jumps suddenly, watching wide eyed as his mate effectively guts the Ironhill broadband router like a fish. Yeah, that'll do it. No going back now.

Kieran stands up, brushing his hands together with a proud smile.

Sam returns his smile, shaking his head. They each check their watches eagerly, counting down the seconds.

Orion charges into Kieran's office 46 seconds after the router goes dark to find his Beta pouting and the Bluewood Beta grinning.

'I win' Sam signs slyly and Kieran glares. He knew it was stupid betting Orion would haul his hefty arse down the hallway in less than thirty five seconds.

"Kieran! Oh, hello Sam, I didn't know you were here." Orion says, his brows still furrowed.

Sam waves, a polite smile on his lips as he gestures to some documents.

"He's just grabbing some invoices from the concert." Kieran says easily, a little disturbed at how easy it's becoming to lie to Orion about Sam.

Orion waves it off.

"Of course. There's something wrong with the wifi, can you have a look?" Orion asks urgently and Kieran nods.

He ducks behind his desk, feigning surprise at the damage he'd done not even a minute before.

"Shit...looks like somethings chewed right through the wiring." He mutters, holding up a frayed cable.

Orion's face pales, his eyes full of dread.

"Is there a mouse in here?" He asks, his voice just a whisper.

Sam reads his lips and has to stifle his giggle.

"No, you big baby. But we won't have any wifi for a few days. Not till I can call an engineer out and get a replacement box." Kieran says.

Orion looks even more faint, leaning heavily against the desk.

"No, that won't work. Our systems rely on wifi, how am I supposed to get any work done?" He demands and Kieran shrugs.

Sam brightens, perfectly on cue, and signs something to Kieran.

If Orion were a little less frazzled, he might be questioning just how Kieran's ability to understand sign language has improved so quickly, but he doesn't.

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