VII. Fog of the Heart

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Thank you again for reading! Send some love to peachy_femme!! Also, thank y'all so much for the 60+ reads!! That's amazing!! We appreciate the love and support! <3

**TRIGGER WARNINGS** For this chapter, please read with caution. There are descriptions of death, mild SA, and talk of torture. (Let us know if we missed any!) You have been warned, please enjoy!!



"If I ever see you again, Valdis, I will kill you. This is your only warning."


His walk through the city was a lot calmer now that he didn't look like a feral beast. Nas had stopped to tie his long hair up into a ponytail, and with his refined clothes, he looked more like a businessman than a homeless vampire. Thankfully.

He could feel eyes on him and knew he was being tailed, but there was no way for him to disappear right now. Though the sun was finally going down, the effect from it made Nas's body feel like it could fall apart at any moment. It took all his strength just to keep moving. He was also unaware of who was following him. It could be anyone. The only person he dreaded it being was the fucked little red-headed hunter. He was going to lose his shit the next time he saw them.

Pushing the rat to the back of his mind, Nas focused on his current goal. He knew of a woman who was rumored to be a witch. She was also rumored to be many other things, such as a cat person, a deadly pirate, an infuriating asshole, etc. But she was his best bet at getting back to his realm and fixing this whole mess. She had almost no information about her publicly available, so it was a long shot. Nas knew almost nothing for certain.

He rounded a corner into a shadier section of the city, the brick buildings closer together, offering more dark alleyways for opportunist criminals. The storefront Nas was looking for was hidden in one of these alleys, but he could feel his tail getting closer. Whoever was following him was going to take advantage of the surroundings. Just as he'd planned.

Nas kept his ears strained, searching for any noise that would give his pursuers away, but there was nothing but the thick scent of blood.


A split second after realizing who they were, King Asmodius's knights surrounded him.

One grabbed his arm and twisted it behind him, moving so quickly it was hard for even Nas to keep up. Nas grunted and dropped his suitcase, his other hand shooting out to grab his attacker. Another knight stepped in and snapped a cuff soaked in holy water to his wrist.

He yelled out in pain and shoved himself into the knight nearest him, slamming the soldier into the wall. These knights were all supernatural creatures, but wore slim, concealing armor that hid everything, including their race and what weaknesses they would have. It hid everything but the scent of blood and death that followed them. Nas was severely outmatched even with just the four of them, with the years of intense training these knights were subject to. The only advantage? They didn't fight dirty.

Nas kicked off the ground, sending them all forward and loosening their hold on him slightly. They lost just enough grip for him to crane his neck forward and bite into the shoulder of the knight holding the cuffs. He bit down hard and shook his head like a dog, tearing into the knight's armor and flesh, blood splattering across the pavement underneath them.

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