VIII. Tying up Loose Ends

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Thank you again for reading! peachy_femme was the gay behind this chapter, send them many thanks!!

The photo is AI generated by DALL-E.

**TRIGGER WARNINGS** For this chapter, please read with caution. There are descriptions of death, gore, and traumatic memories. 

(Let us know if we missed any!) You have been warned, please enjoy!!



Valdis was turned around a few times before he came to a familiar clearing in the woods. "Isador? Isador!" He spoke in a soft register. He tried to remember the path as best he could, but the memory was blurred. Typical illusion, making people forget what they were looking for before they even tried.

As he looked up at a large willow tree with blue-green vines bowing low, he instantly remembered where he was. They took a slow and long breath, relaxing their entire body and shaking their arms out, noticing their arm was now fully healed and no longer hard to move.

The opening let only good intentions go in, and as he slowly pushed aside the vines, he smiled when a round birch door came into view. The surrounding brush looked almost the same as when he last saw it.

"Isador?" he almost whispered. They weren't sure what to expect when she saw them. Happiness, tranquility, indifference? She was always unpredictable. They put a tender hand on the door, suddenly nervous to knock.

"Valdis." An echo of their name seemed to be coming from inside their head.

"Isador! Yes, it's me."

"What are you doing here, my little rabbit?" Her voice was coming from inside their head. Of course.

"I...I don't know. I wanted to see you. So many things have happened to me. I feel like a fool. I feel so lost. I was..."

"What do you want from me, Valdis?"

They half-smiled. She hated when they beat around the bush. Full clarity and nothing else.

"I want your guidance. That's all I ask." The door swung open, causing Valdis to stumble forward, catching a vine on the way down. The sudden action caused the plant to wrap around his arm, keeping him just inches from the ground.

He looked up to see Isador smiling at him from the corner of her hut. "Hello again, my little rabbit." She clapped and the vine dropped him to the ground.

"Isador," he mumbled. She giggled, appearing before them to help them up.

She almost looked the same, only her skin had taken less of a white tint and more green. Her hair was pure white now, flowers and leaves adorning most of her body. He could see small horns peeking out from beneath. The markings on her body seemed more defined as if they'd been etched deeper into her skin. Her expression was much more telling though. She seemed less guarded, more vulnerable.

"You've said my name so many times, you're clearly excited." She touched their face, taking note of his glasses and scar. "It doesn't even feel like it's been long, and yet time has already changed you."

Valdis felt sheepish from her stare, feeling free to put his hands on hers. "Time has changed you as well, though I believed it never would as a boy."

She laughed heartily again. "Come, we must speak. I know why you are here."

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