3: Planning a Spectacle

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I couldn't help but feel as if Penelope Featherington did not like me. I couldn't be upset over this. I imagine if roles were reversed, and my closest friend entered a room, towing behind a strange girl with no family, connections, or money; I'd be wary, too. 

Her round face was pinched in a scowl as she slowly surveyed me from head to toe. At least Lady Bridgerton hid her displeasure behind a tight smile. Penelope took her time in assessing me and reducing me into something that could make sense to her. 

"Where did you say you found her again, Eloise?" She asked slowly. 

"Don't play dumb, Pen. You know I went into town to look for- well, you know what I went into town for. She works the bar, and I needed a drink after the day I had." Eloise's hands were clutched in her lap where her leg shook restlessly. Her eyes kept flicking over to the door as if she was afraid of someone interrupting the meeting. My wondering was set to rest when she said, "Benedict knows." 

Penelope quickly inhaled, her cheeks flushing red and pale eyes widening with shock. "He does? And he hasn't said anything to your mama?" 

"He would never. But it definitely complicates how we handle the season." 

I raise my fingers in interjection, "Perhaps you two should fill me in so I'm not completely stupid and clueless." 

"Ah, mm. Yes, Pen?" Eloise directed her full attention to Penelope. I caught a silent glance between the two of them, one that was undoubtedly rehearsed over many years of close friendship. 

Penelope sighed, releasing all the air she had built up inside. "Eloise is in love with a paper boy." 

"He's not a paper boy!" Eloise exclaimed, quickly clamping her jaw shut when she realized how loud she was. "He's a printer's apprentice. He prints books, flyers, newspapers. He wants to be a writer himself." 

"Not a writer. A poet. There's a distinction," Penelope words cut sharply into Eloise, who pouted despite herself. 

Everything began to fall into place. I'm here as a distraction so that Eloise can float about London, having her summer fling with a man decidedly beneath her station. Her mother would never condone such a union. I'm here, sitting rigidly on a pastel sofa, with two socialites I have no business ever knowing, so that Eloise Bridgerton can have a passionate affair. 

Penelope's meticulously groomed eyebrow arched smugly. "But you didn't know that did you? Eloise never filled you in on every detail." 

"Pen, play nice. Don't be rude towards Viola. I was the one who was deceitful." 

"How did Benedict find out?" I ask, remembering the tall Bridgerton boy with the dimpled smile. 

"He found letters. Dozens of letters sealed with a kiss. Metaphorically, of course. I tried to direct the attention back on him, for snooping in my room. He played the big, protective brother card and claimed that the timing of me meeting you was suspicious." Eloise cracked a tiny smile as she reminisced fondly about her brother. "He really always has been able to see through me." 

Before I could ask any more questions, a quick rap on the wooden door announced another Bridgerton arriving. A young man with boyish good looks waltzed in and beelined for the sofa where Penelope went rigid with anxiety. 

"Colin!" Penelope exlclaimed, face alight with both panic and smitten love. I barely know the girl and even I couldn't ignore her palpable feelings for the third Bridgerton. 

He casually and lazily laid one arm across the back of the sofa, playfully pulling on one of her loose, red curls. "Pen, Eloise, and..." 

"Viola," I filled in. 

"Ah! You're Eloise's new friend! Benedict mentioned a scrappy looking young lady came to tea, but I didn't imagine you. I was picturing someone... dirtier?" He tilted his head, studying me from a new angle as if this vantage point could help to answer his unspoken questions. 

The more time I spent in the chaotic company of Eloise, the more questions I had of my own. Who was this apprentice? Does she even like me, or am I simply a ploy in a more elaborate scheme? How may lies will I have to live up to over the course of the social season. 

Penelope was practically glowing displeasure at Colin's interest in me. 

"Will you be joining us this weekend? I imagine it's too late for you to present yourself to the queen to throw you hat in the ring, so to speak. But you may be able to come to the dance afterwards," Colin was as innocent and oblivious as a boy could possibly be. I felt an urge to shield him from the harshness of the world as if he were my own brother. 

I shook off the memory of my own brother. 

"I don't think I'm invited. It's not exactly an open invitation," I answered. 

He shrugged. "I don't know about these things." 

"Well, she's right," Penelope chimed in. 

Eloise had grown quiet. Suspiciously quiet considering how opinionated and outspoken she typically was. "No," she finally said. "No, Viola. You are going to walk and present yourself. Unannounced!" She leapt from where she was sitting, grabbing me along with her and pulling me around in a circle. 

"Eloise, I really don't thin-" Penelope tried to interrupt, aghast at Eloise's suggestion. 

"It's perfect! I can't think of a better way to start off the season. All eyes and attention will be on you, my mother will practically forget I exist. I can probably skip the whole party and go see my apprentice!" Eloise seemed to illuminate excitement as the idea of seeing him. 

I curse myself silently before I even answer. I hate being a sucker for a happy ending. "Fine, I'll walk. But it won't be pretty or delicate. And my bow may be shaky. The queen may demand for my head after seeing my pathetic show." 

Penelope's jaw dropped as Eloise squealed. 

"Mm, this weekend should be interesting," Colin mused to himself. 

Lady in Waiting: A "Bridgerton" FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now