4: You Can Put Lipstick on a Pig...

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The stiff edges of the corset bore into me as if it were my own personal torture device. Eloise had excitedly tugged too tightly on the satin ribbons of the garment, talking and giggling over my squeals of protest. For being so decidedly against the whole prospect of the promenade and parading oneself for male suitors, Eloise understood how the game was to be played. 

"They go alphabetically. I will present myself early on for Bridgerton, perhaps stumbling my way to the queen or foaming at the mouth to deter positive attention. Charlotte Williams will be last. After she has curtsied and kissed the feet of the queen, you need to walk in." Eloise had explained the instructions to me several times over the course of the morning, but still, I had more questions than answers. 

"What if this angers the queen? She's one of the most powerful women in the world. If I disrupt her event, she will not be looking favorably towards me. In fact, she may be looking for my head afterwards!" 

Eloise huffed. "You really are new to society, Viola. If anything, the queen will love your disruption. She lives for drama. My running theory is that she is Lady Whistledown, but it's hard to tell." 

"Lady Whistledown?" 

"Truly living under a social rock..." Eloise murmured, raking a brush through my auburn hair and began to pin loose pieces to the back of my head, leaving waves to frame my face. She had powered my face and smudged ashy brown product close to my eyes, highlighting my hazel eyes. In a few short days I looked nothing like the woman serving beers in the pub. I looked like a lady. 

"Lady Whistledown is an anonymous writer. She publishes her own gossip pages regarding those in high society. She reports on all the shortcomings, scandals, and nefarious happenings regarding those who had previously seemed untouchable. In a way, I admire her. Writing the truth without fear." 

"But she is fearful," I interject, watching Eloise's far-off look in the mirror. 


"If she is anonymous, she is fearful. She's scared of the consequences of her articles and comments should her identity be revealed. To live unknown is to live in fear." 

Eloise met my gaze in the mirror. "You're completely right. All this time I thought Lady Whistledown was this brave warrior with a quill, but I suppose that even she has her reasons to be afraid." She resumed pinning my hair, then gestured for me to stand as she took in her handiwork. "You're a lady." 

"Well, not yet. I still need the queen's stamp of approval." 

She lovingly squeezed my shoulders. "She would be a fool to turn you away." 

"I still don't have a family, no connections or land." 

"We are what we make you. I have crafted you into who will become the diamond of the season. Even without connections and money you have something the rest of the abbey don't have thanks to Whistledown." 

"And what could that possibly be?" 

She raised her dark eyebrows and smirked, "Mystery." 

Lady in Waiting: A "Bridgerton" FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now