5: ... But It's Still a Pig

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"Charlotte Williams," the monotone voice of the announcer rang through my anxious chest with a dull thump. My lips and throat had grown dry as I desperately looked about me for anything to drink. As I leaned against the wall in the grand empty room, I found a glimmer of mercy. I ran to the cup sitting on the table and chugged the contents without thinking. 

Bitter wine seeped into my belly, warming my empty stomach. I always served the alcohol, but rarely drank it. Within a few short moments, my feet and hands were warm and my cheeks were flushed. I tried to get a desperate look at myself in a reflection but there were none around me. I silently cursed myself as I remembered why I was here. 

I was here to be the disruption of the season. 

I was here to meet the queen. 

I gingerly walked to the two grand doors that separated me and those who will be much too interested in the mystery girl. Their cutthroat sneers and snide remarks are only the start of what will undoubtedly be a very long summer. I adjusted my white silk gloves and reached for the gold handles of the doors but was stopped by a voice. 


I quickly spun to find Benedict Bridgerton sulking towards me, traveling the space between us in a few short strides. "Viola, what are you doing here?" 

If my face wasn't flushed before I was practically burning red now. "Benedict, I-" 

"Are you presenting yourself? Where is your family? Your mother to walk you? Where is-" 

It was my turn to cut him off, "I'm not presenting. I'm sort of..." 

"Sort of?" 

"I'm disrupting. Charlotte Williams was just called, and now I am going to walk in and present myself." 

He took a step back. Probably to distance himself from the chaos that was assuredly going to follow the events of the next few minutes. "Whose idea was this? Was this Eloise? Is she dragging you into an absurd scheme of hers? If the queen doesn't approve of this, you could be hurt. Very badly hurt. Imprisoned or deported or socially cast aside." 

"I need this just as much as Eloise does. This is my chance to make something of myself." 

"I thought you were a lady? You met Eloise in the park reading." Benedict began to connect the dots and his face soured into a disapproving glare. "Who are you, Viola?" 

"I-" Now I backed away from him. One step, then two, then three hurried ones and I could feel the handle of the doors beneath my fingers. I pulled and spilled into the long room with a hundred pairs of eyes staring at me in shocked silence. I looked away from Benedict who looked equally as stunned then turned to look straight ahead. The wine churned in my stomach as I took several heaving breaths to calm myself. I locked eyes with the queen who had set down her own wine glass and was looking at me with cool indifference, but I could see how ridgedly she was sitting from here. 

I wanted to look for Eloise but I couldn't expose our connection just yet. This moment was between me and the queen. 

"State your name, child," her call echoed to me as it traveled the great hall. The whispers of onlookers were cut short. 

"Viola Embers, your Majesty." 

"And why are you here? I have not heard of you or your family." 

"I would like to present myself to you. I would like to enter the social season." 

I continued to walk towards where she sat perched on her throne until she held up a calm hand, stopping me in my tracks. 

Her next words made by blood run cold. "Everyone. Out." 

The crowd stirred uncomfortably, confused at the past few seconds." 

"I said leave," the queen's words came out strained with frustration. "I would like a moment alone with this... Viola Embers." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2023 ⏰

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