Frosting Trees {J-Hope X Reader 16+}

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Christmas. A special time that comes around once a year, filled with magic stories and warmth. I Knew the rest of the members pretty well as soon as I started dating Hoseok. For the Christmas season The seven guys would host a party for themselves as old tradition. But when Hoseok and the band mates got big they hosted larger parties in the holiday spirit. Hundreds of idol groups and musicians were invited, sure they wouldn't all come but it was still a lot of people. Me and Hoseok were on baking duty this year on behalf of BTS. Gifts for staff and treats for the party. Time had flown by and there was a week until Christmas. I honestly didn't want to be baking. As much as I loved helping, I wasn't in the mood to bake. Rather just picture Hoseok and I cozying up in a blanket by the fire. I sat in my room daydreaming to the ceiling. Splayed out on my bed. Until a loud clash shook me from my thoughts. Rushing to follow the sudden sound. There was Hoseok. Greeting me with the cozy smile I had been dreaming about.

"Hey F/N!" He called out to me. Slumped over toward the floor, his head nearly inside the low cupboard. While the obvious pile of metal bowls sat at his feet. Assuming that's where the noise had come from. His silky black hair parted in the middle resting above his brows. Grabbing the pile of silver dishes and crashing them on the table. A sigh of relief passed my pursed lips as Hobi hummed away clearly not in pain. "Do you know where the flour is-?!"

Just as he was going to ask for your assistance in the matter, it seemed to find him... he had opened the highest cupboard. one I couldn't reach without a chair. Until the box of said flour was on his clothes and in his freshly washed hair. I couldn't help but giggle slightly at the expression he had obtained. A sigh left his flour covered lips, said dust filling the air.

"Good news. I found it. Secondly, Looks like we will need more haha!" He giggled back at me. He stood awkwardly in the kitchen. Until his expression changed once again, this time into a teasing one. Hoseok raced toward me with an open mouth grin. Sticking my hands up in my face as an attempt to protect myself from his plan. But he just swung his flour covered hair in my direction. Begging to cover me in flour too. Until I grabbed his face, arching his head to meet mine. Blush quickly weakened my previous boldness. Hoseok stopped my hands from pulling away, his flour covered ones on mine. As he stared into my eyes. In an attempt to break the awkward silence I made a hasty suggestion.

"S-so! We need more flour and baking supplies, yeah?" Clearly my idea sparked his interest. His eyes now glittering with excitement. Even though moments ago I'd rather not move out of bed. Now that his hopeful gaze was on me and I WAS already up, deciding it'd be the best. A plan of action started brewing in my mind. "Alright! You clean up from that flour. I'll clean up the mess and find out what we have for supplies."

"Sounds great! Thanks love. I won't be long. Promise." A kiss on my cheek and Hoseok nearly skipped upstairs to his room. Scanning the mess Hoseok had made, it wasn't TOO bad. Not like it was his fault anyway. Grabbing the broom and dustpan I began my work. Once again he hummed something of a Christmas tune, the water running. I Couldn't have been surprised if it was the Christmas song they planned to perform for ARMY and for the party. Scrubbing down the counters and remaining dishes from this morning everything was set. Other than the shopping list. Rummaging through the cupboards I found the old baking book. Flipping through to get an idea on what we would make. Deciding on simple ginger breads in which we could decorate, small ginger cookies and mochi's. For the majority these baked goods were for close teammates or friends. While a few things would be at the party we couldn't feed EVERYONE. But of course BTS puts their hearts into everything and we still made some for the party as tradition. Even though none of BTS was really good at baking. Other than Jin's cooking skills, we made pretty damn tasty treats. We had taken turns doing each task, making sure Namjoon wouldn't have this one. This was Hoseok and I's first time cooking together, unsure of how things would go. Flipping through the raggedy book until a warm damp hand snaked its way around my waist.

"Hello!~ Hope I didn't take too long." Hoseok smiled, resting his chin on my shoulder. He peeked at the book I had been examining on the counter. His warm body pressed against my back. He had on a more 'dressed up' look compared to his flour covered black T and gray sweats. A white T and black jeans covering his slender build. Topped with a rather fluffy knit unbuttoned tan sweater. Plaid scarf in hand. "Ready to go?"


Getting home the cold turned our noses red. Carrying in the grocery bags as quickly as we could to get out of the cold. Closing the door behind us as the final gust of wind greeted us inside the warm home. Taking everything out of the bags onto the counter we swung aprons over our heads. The warmth of the preheated oven keeps us cozy from the cold. Singing Christmas songs together as we attempted to make sweets. Lets just say some YouTube videos were needed. We finished baking all of the main desserts while the last few gingerbread shapes were in the oven. A sigh of relief came from both of us as we sat on the once again dirty floor watching the timer.

"Whew! Seriously! That was almost harder than practice! Haha!" Hoseok stated, placing a sugar filled hand on my shoulder. Giggling in response. " Without your help I would have been done for. Thanks F/N.."

"D-don't mention it!" Seriously, don't. I can't handle flattery from someone so handsome. The blush creeped my face slightly. Our eyes locked on each other, Hoseok brushing my hair out of my view with his clean hand. The timer went off. "RIGHT! Better get those."

"Mm~ smells amazing!" Hoseok quickly jumped to his feet after me. Our noses hovering over the freshly baked cookies. The oven turned off and cookies came out to cool. We tidied up the rest of the baking mess. Setting up the newly bought sprinkles and icing for decorating. After making a few more colors of icing we sat down, beginning the fun part. The day was quickly passing by the time we finished decorating the huge batch. Colorful messes of icing, sprinkles and some organized nice ones filled the kitchen. Along with the already finished ones.

"That was fun! Wow, it's late." Hoseok gasped looking at his soiled watch. Unbothered by the sight. "The trees were fun to decorate. Decorating really was the best part though, Well other than it being with you of course!"

"Wanna taste?" I replied looking at the array of sweets in front of me. Wandering to check up on the other desserts. Turning to face Hoseok again, staring at me in shock. A smile soon came across his face as he made his way toward me. We were both covered head to toe in different batters and icing colors. Me more than him, I had always been messy when it came to cooking anything. My view shifted for only a moment before the same big warm hands wrapped around my waist. At first I welcomed him, until remembering I was COVERED in stuff. "W-wait I've got icing and such all over me. Your nice clothes-!"


"Clothes? Hm~ I don't mind." Hoseok mumbled into my shoulder, my face red as I held onto the counter. His heat now warmed me rather than the previous oven. He nibbled the icing off the nape of my neck, as one of his hands went to greet mine. He chuckled after his actions. "So sweet baby~"

"W-what? Hoba~ what are you-?!" Yelping, as he turned me face to face. Hoseok's dark hair distorted his vision. His stubborn warmth slowly picked at his apron. He kissed me lightly a few times, our faces flushed quickly, breath thickened. I moaned out. "H-hoba~"

"You trust me?" Hoseok smiled down at me, my arms around his neck. Nodding, he kissed me passionately. His tongue explored mine like he had always done. His hands snaked down to my hips as we caught breath between hot kisses. Before he lifted me up as I rested above his cock, now clearly present. My legs around his waist. He spun us around and set me on the empty island. He now looked up at me with a sweet smile even though his eyes filled with lust. My hands rested on his shoulders. This wasn't exactly what I had in mind for cuddling, but I could easily imagine it'd get there somehow. Our foreheads resting on each other. I picked a sprinkle out of his hair, he tugged at my shirt. "Take it off?"

Reluctantly I did so. Guessing Hoseok not tearing off the apron himself meant he might like to see this new side of me. I slipped off my shirt through the apron, my pants soon to follow. Hoseok's lustful gaze on me as he moved away only a step or so. Allowing me to get rid of my clothes. A fiery blush filled his face, while I was honestly more embarrassed.

"Read my mind did you?~" He asked cutely before he looked you up and down. Walking toward you again. Kissing you deeply for only a moment. Instantly warmth filled your senses. Hoseok as well letting out a mess of a grunt and moan. "I'll give you something sweet. That is. If you let me~"

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