Decoration Distractions {RM X Reader 16+}

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 Christmas. A special time that comes around once a year, filled with magic stories and warmth. Since I started dating Namjoon two years ago, Christmas has been a regular celebration. With fall nearing its end and the frost nipping at our noses, Christmas wasn't far away. Decorating was one of my favorite things to get 'festive.' figured I would start getting things ready for decorations since the weekend was a day away. As well as we would be the ones hosting the party. The seven guys would host a party for themselves when they were new starting out. But when Namjoon and the band mates got big they hosted larger parties in the holiday spirit. Hundreds of idol groups and musicians were invited, sure they wouldn't all come but it was still a lot of people. Which I was recently added into. Being his partner and all. Helping in any way I can with his busy schedule.

Earlier that day I had gone to get some Christmas supplies. Being sure to stray from anything peppermint and chocolate flavored. Ending up with some hot chocolate ingredients, cookies and candy canes for the tree. While grabbing a few new PLASTIC Christmas ornaments due to the accident last year. Then a few little things to add. Before decorating anything the house needed to be cleaned. Cleaning up the mess around the place, getting rid of fall decorations, laundry, dishes and all that. Finishing up, I cleaned up and changed. Before going into the storage to find the Christmas stuff, I slipped on a cozy white knit sweater, shorts since it was warm in the house and black knee highs. Sliding on bunny slippers with the box of fall themed things in hand, I wandered into the garage to get everything out before Namjoon would be home. Until he pulled up meeting me in front of the garage.

"Hey! What are you up to?" He called from beside the previously slammed car door. Namjoons short sandy hair was pushed back and styled from work. Finished off with a white button up and black decently snug jeans. His long tan coat tossed over his arm, bartender style. A warm smile greeted you as you looked over the box in your hands. He started walking toward me, until I wobbled slightly trying to see him in all his beauty. "Woah hey hey hey! Let me help!"

"Thanks. It's heavier than I thought.." I whined ruffling my hair out of my face due to the wind. The cold hit me suddenly, my teeth almost chattering. "W-what are you doing home so early?"

"Early? Baby, It's already seven. Head on inside before you freeze. I'll follow you in." He chuckled slightly, pumping up the box higher in his grip. Wandering back inside quickly I held the door open for him. Setting the box down in the living room his dark eyes quickly wandered to the sparkly ornaments I just bought, eyes seeming not so dark anymore as he waddled over."Wow! You picked well. Feeling festive huh?"

"Yeah. I wanted to have things done before you got home, but I guess I was shopping longer than expected." walking into the living room to greet him properly. He grabbed my waist from behind and snuggled into me. Feeling his body heat the moment we made contact. His head resting on my shoulder. Trying to see this cuteness, but he hid behind me enough so I didn't see. "There's still more boxes I need to get."

"No it's ok I'll go grab them. I've got my shoes on still."

"But you just came home from dance practice all day-"

"Nope! It's fine. All the more reason for me to get them. I've got muscle." He smiled, kissing me lightly on the cheek before wandering out the door with a little wave. While he was gathering the boxes from the garage I made us some hot coco and got out the cookies. "Here I think this is it?"

"One sec!" I called from the kitchen. Two cups of warm hot chocolate in white mugs with red sweaters. Meeting him in the living room with all the lids off the bins as he looked through everything, pushing back his sandy hair once more. "Here Namjoon! Be careful it's hot."

"Oh! I thought I smelt something tasty." He took the mug with a warm smile, making the room just a little bit brighter already. He turned back around to face the boxes. His voice now serious."You are really in the mood this year huh?"

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