Stay PT.2 {Suga X Reader 18+}

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→ Rating: 18+ Minors are prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content.

→ Genre: Friends to Lovers

→ Summary: You and Yoongi have been friends since high school. Busy adult life means seeing friends less and less. His roommate's departure date and your week off, line up. You plan to spend a few free days with Yoongi. Catching up like old times.

→ Word Count PT.2: 1 584

Disclaimer: All members are face and name claims for the story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. All works are purely for entertainment purposes.

Published: 03/22/23

Inspiration: Ari Abdul - Stay


"W-wait." I did it. Finally calling out to him. Grabbing his fist that sat now on his lap. As I clung on desperately. Like I knew I had wanted to for years but was too scared. He shot me back a gaze I couldn't understand. But that slight blush and awkward look away told me all I needed to know. He was embarrassed. And it was fucking adorable. The butterflies in my stomach seemed to have grown claws, making me cling to him. Our thighs touching. Breaking the distance between us. Finally, My small voice broke through the fear and the now silent room. "Uhm.. sorry. About this. I had no idea what this show was about. I didn't bother to check the rating.. Listen. We've been close for a while."

Yoongi shot me a confused yet worried look. in no attempt to leave. I'm sure he wasn't expecting what was going to come out of my mouth next. Honestly. Neither did I.

"I picked this show. And uhm.. It's my fault your.. Y know.. So. Teach me how?" ok really what the fuck. I sound desperate.

"What?" Yoongi cleared his throat.

"T-teach me how to give a blow job."

"A-are you insane?" Yoongi grunted. His cheeks lighting up in flames of pink as he turned away from me. I stared at him and nodded. He sighed and sat up right. He faced me again. I finally let my tight grip go. To my surprise he chuckled. "Really? Alright. Fine. but why me?"

"Uh- because you're the only guy I'm close to." Lies. I knew it as soon as I met him again. The floodgates were opened. What was behind the gates? My feelings. My longing. I liked him. More than a friend. Though. This wasn't what I had planned at all. My nasty desires got the better of me. Yoongi shook his head slightly with a smirk. I guess he had assumed I was joking. Again he tried to escape me. Until I slid my way onto the floor in front of his now closed legs.

"You.." Yoongi hissed out slightly. His brows furrowed, blush returning. He covered his mouth with his ringed fingers. He locked eyes with me. Looking down on me. Before he opened his legs. A bulge slightly visible. "You're really not joking are you?"

I didn't say anything, other than using my body language. Fluttering my eyelids up at him. Putting myself between his legs. My hands wander slowly up his thighs. Gliding across the rips in his jeans. He hissed out a mumble I didn't catch. Totally clueless I attempted to pleasure his cries. Rubbing over him through his jeans. His breath hitched once I finally reached his now obvious bulge. Undoing his zipper, sliding his jeans down and off his muscled legs by his command.

"haa.. Mm. go ahead. Feel your way through it." Yoongi moaned out slightly. A gaze I never would have expected to see. A fiery desperate longing. His dark sharp eyes met mine for the first time since we had started this. Long hairs dangled in his vision, as he swiped it back with a hand. The other rested on the waist of his boxers. I knew now that I would finish this. His member stood nearly straight up from my toying. Yoongi hissed at the sudden feeling. The way that I had control over how he was reacting. Let alone he was reacting like this because of me. Pumping it a few times I laid kisses at the tip. Before attempting to finish the job. Yoongi's back arched slightly as he tried to control himself. Though really he seemed to be enjoying this. So was I. The way he seemed to crave more from me. He sat up slightly. " ah. Easy."

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