Forget.Him. PT.2{Jimin X Reader 18+}

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→ Warnings: Sexual asst. topics suggested (Not aimed at Jimin),

→ Rating: 18+ Minors are prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content.

→ Genre: Mending relationship

→ Summary: You and Jimin just broke up. And by no means was it mutual. Honestly the reason why you dumped him was stupid. You were self conscious. Scared you weren't good enough for him compared to the many fans he has. The feelings are there. But you try to ignore them and Jimin's many texts and calls. But something get in the way of your plan.

→ Word Count: 3 010

Disclaimer: All members are face and name claims for the story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. All works are purely for entertainment purposes.

Published: 03/28 / 24

Inspiration: (Strangers Kenya Grace)


"L-let me go." I demanded. He smirked at me with not a word but tightened his grip. My eyes started burning once again filled with small fresh tears. Digging my nails into his hand I barely freed myself just as I was about to B line it to the door. Chang in close range. Someone stopped me.

"We are leaving."

Everyone froze. I hadn't realized who it was at first. The person's arm that had been wrapped around me. Wearing a biker helmet with dark tinted lens a black leather jacket. Although I couldn't see through the helmet. I could tell by the voice and scent. Roses. It was Jimin. He had left the helmet on for his identity I'm sure.

"Ohh are you the EX boyfriend?" Chang mocked. Jimin gripped my shoulder after his comment. A wave of guilt rushed through me. Regretting every action I had made to lead me here. I looked up at Jimin, he let his arm off of me. Instead he grabbed my wrist and tugged me out the door. Chang quickly followed, shooting random insults at me I didn't hear past my thoughts.

The cold rain instantly stuck to my sweater. Jimin had led me quickly behind the diner into the staff parking near the garbage bins. Not much to my surprise there were bags of garbage, but among them not far away was a motorcycle. Jimin grabbed my attention away from the bike, removing his helmet. Saying not a word but brushing the slight runny makeup from my face. His hands were even cooler than the rain as they met my flushed cheeks. While his sharp eyes were tired and filled with concern. Locked on mine. We both stood in the cold rain as it poured down on us. He leaned closer and tucked a stray wet hair behind my ear. Our gaze not shifting. Until suddenly Jimin placed the helmet over my head.

"We're gonna get wet. But this is the best I've got right now." Jimin spoke as he grabbed another helmet from the bike's storage. Swinging his leg over the jet black bike. Starting the engine the lights came on with a rumble. Pushing back his silky black hair he pulled the helmet on. Then turned to me with a visible sigh in his shoulders.

Jimin patted the seat behind him, encouraging me to hop on. As I was left speechless. Making my way toward the bike, I hesitantly sat with my hands in my lap. Doing everything in my power not to sob like a baby again. Jimin's head lowered in front of my view. His hand reached behind him in search of mine. Once again he pulled my wrist toward him, Although this time I knew what he had meant.

"I don't know what you're thinking right now. But you have to hold on to me to be safe. Make sure your bag is secure." He warned me shouting slightly over the sound of the engine. I clung onto Jimin as soon as the words left his mouth. Tucking all my belongings in my purse I swung it flesh to my body and under my soaked sweater. As soon as we started to move I clung onto him even tighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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